Bonus 1

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Four Years Later...

I was sitting on the couch, watching back a tape of my boxing match, when I heard the door open. I smiled and jumped off of the couch and ran over to see Amethyst, my beautiful fiancé, walking into our apartment together. Her hair was in a messy bun and her clothes were slightly ruffled.

"Baby! You're back!" I cheered happily as I bent down to kiss her.

Amethyst smiled lightly and leaned all of her weight on me. "Hi honey," she murmured tiredly.

I quickly took her bags and and started to go upstairs to put them away for her. "Go in the kitchen and relax, shortie, I'll make you a sandwich."

She nodded and trudged slowly into the kitchen. I ran up the stairs, my long legs helping me skip two at a time, and ran into our room to put Amy's bags away. As soon as I opened the door, I froze at the sound of Amy's angry voice.


I almost chuckled when she called my ass fine, almost being the key word. She was using my full name meaning she was pissed as hell and I was so going to have to sleep on the couch. I sprinted downstairs as quick as I could and scurried into the kitchen where Amy was standing by the table with her arms crossed.

"What did I do this morning before I left for work?" She asked, her voice so calm that I knew I was about to get my ass whooped.

"You did a lot of things honey, what do you mean?" I stuttered. Amy may be short, but she was scary. I hated it when she was mad at me, in fact, I wished it were my mother yelling at me most of the time instead of her.

"I mean, what did I do to the kitchen?" She was starting to lose her patience.

I scratched the back of my neck. "I don't know."

"I cleaned it!" She snapped.

I winced and nodded. "Oh yeah, right."

"If I cleaned this kitchen before I left, how come it's a mess?" She was back to her scarily calm self.

I looked around at the kitchen. There was not a single thing out of place. "Huh?"

"Look at the floor!" She screamed as she pointed to a spot on the floor beside her feet.

I squinted my eyes and saw what she was talking about; a chip. There was one ch- no- crumb of a chip on the floor and she was freaking out about it.

"It's a crumb, honey," I reasoned.

She her bottom lip started to tremble as tears gathered in her eyes. "I spent thirty minutes sweeping this floor an-and now it's filthy! I'm trying to be a good fiancé to you and help you when you're resting but you're making it so hard! You don't care about me!" She wailed as tears started to pour from her eyes.

I walked over to her and placed my hands on the side of her face. "Honey, stop crying."

"You don't love me!" She weeped. "I work so hard to be good enough for you but it never works!"

I sighed. Pregnant women are so emotional.

"Shortie, look at me," I whispered. Amy looked up with her large doe eyes. "I love you with all my heart, you know that. You're just really hormonal right now, okay?"

She sniffled and nodded, and even after four years of being with her, she was adorable to me. "Okay," she mumbled.

"I'll sweep the floor after I help you get to bed, okay honey?" She nodded.

I picked her up, causing her to gasp quietly, and walked back upstairs to my room. She leaned into my chest and sighed, causing my heart to beat a tiny bit faster. When we got into the room I placed her on our King-size bed and pulled the covers over her. Amy smiled up at me and snuggled into her pillow.

"Come in with me," she whispered softly.

I shook my head with a smirk. "I was going to clean up the kitchen, but I'll do whatever you want."

She giggled and scooted over for me. I climbed in and wrapped and arm around her waist, staring into her beautiful eyes.

"How does it feel?" I wondered. Amy raised and eyebrow. "To be pregnant," I clarified.

She shrugged. "Weird. I'm tired and moody and I really crave pickles."

I chuckled. "What gender do you think we're gonna have?"

She looked down at her stomach and gave a ghost of a smile. "I don't care, as long as they're like you."

"I think we're gonna have a girl," I murmured.

Amy smiled. "You just want a little princess to spoil now that Ainsley and Noelani are in middle school and have boyfriends."

I frowned. "Don't remind me."

She chuckled. "What about our baby girl? If she'll get any of your family's genes she'll be beautiful, boys will be all over her."

"I'll kill them. With you as her mother, she's going to be gorgeous so I'll have to work extra hard to keep the boys away," I declared.

"What if we have twins?" Amy thought.


"You're a twin, my mom's mom is a twin, and some of my cousins are twins. We've got a pretty good chance of having twins."

"Then I'll have two babies to give my love to."

Amy paused and thought for a moment before snuggling into me. "I hope I'm a good mom."

I scoffed. "Babe, you're the perfect person to be a mom."

"You say that 'cause I make your favorite deserts," she grumbled.

I rolled my eyes. "No, I don't. Ainsley loves you, Noelani loves you, East and Mateo love you."

"East and Mateo are, like, two. They love anyone that gives them attention and food."

"Takes after their dad then," I said with a chuckle.

East and Mateo were Audrey and West's kids. East was a cute and happy little girl who looked exactly like her father except with platinum blonde hair. She had the same green eyes, same freckles, and same slightly tan skin. Mateo, on the other hand, was a cute and moody little boy who always seemed to have a pout on his face. Amy said he looked just like me except a baby, but I don't exactly see it. He had dark brown hair, mine is black, greyish-green eyes, mine are just grey, and really tan skin... okay so we did look a lot alike.

"They're twins," Amy said, more to herself than me. "I want twins," she stated with finality.

I chuckled. "That's God's decision not yours."

"Why not?" She whined childishly. "I'm the one having the freaking morning sickness, cravings, mood swings, and I'm going to have to go through the pain of childbirth, I should at least be able to choose what gender and how many kids I'm gonna have."

I smiled. "I'll tell you what, we can have as many pairs of twins as you want, deal?"

Amy looked up at me and smiled the smile that made me like her all those years ago. "Deal."

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