Chapter 2 sacrifices

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"He acted like he knew me like we've done this before" Barry says

"He was antagonizing you" joe said

"I would get close and he'd just pull away I mean this was just some sick game to him" Barry said

"You'll catch him we'll help" wells said

"No you don't get it all right his speed it's beyond mine I'm not the fastest man alive he is so how do we catch somebody that I can't even keep up with" Barry says

"The beautiful thing about force fields mr Allen is that There impervious to speed now we're almost finished fabricating a trap all the remains is for detective west to procure the bait" wells said

"I'm on it" joe said Barry fallows "Barry Why don't you stay here"

"No joe today is not the day to tell me to stay behind" Barry said

"If judge hankerson was going to sign this he would have done so by now" Tina says

"Look Im sure you don't want this investigation going any more public than it's been do you doctor" joe says

"This has Harrison wells written all over it in big black letters I am not giving you my tachyon prototype" Tina says

"It was quite the tour of you facility doctor you were fine to let us dumb cops walk around but I majored in physics and chemistry and I saw a whole lot of stuff that science showcase magazine would love to hear about so should I call their editors directly or just leave a few post on there websites" Barry says

"You'll have the tachyon device within the hour I see why Harrison holds you in such esteem mr Allen your very much alike" Tina says then walks off

"Nicely done" joe says trying not to laugh then Barry walked off

"Hey joe you got a second" Eddie says

"Not now eddie" joe says

"I read the witness statements the flash was there I know you got something in the works" Eddie says

"Yeah but you don't want any part of this" joe says

"I have a task force approved in catching him And I want him I'm not asking permission joe" Eddie says

"Excuse me" joe says

"If my task force isn't apart of this I'll go to cap I'll tell him something is going on and your not talking I'm sorry you'd do the same thing if you were me" Eddie says 

"Fine" joe says then walks off

Oliver's POV
He walked in to ccpd to see eddies task for se discussing they had permission to catch the flash and narrowed an eyebrow and walked upstairs to Barry's lab to see him pretty pissed off

"Hey rough day" Oliver said wrapping his arms around Barry's waist from behind

"Yeah" Barry said now holding where he laid his hands

"What happened" Oliver said sitting in the chair

Barry tells Oliver about the man in the yellow suit and Oliver hugs Barry tighter

"If I had speed would you let me beat his ass" Oliver said

"Maybe hows Amie" Barry says

"She's good said she wants to go back to central Already..pretty sure she wants to have you as her father figure like Roy wanted me to be his" Oliver said

"They are like best friends but they argue a lot" Barry says then chuckles

Barry leans in and kisses Oliver

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