Chapter 4 secrets

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Barry got back from stopping a runaway motorcycle gang

"Well done mr Allen" wells said

"We need a picture" Cisco says

"Pretty sure rule number one of having a secret identity is not taking pictures without your mask on"Barry said

"Oh come on please this is just for us to document all of this"Cisco said

"Who knows Maybe people in the future will want to know how all of this happens"wells said

"Alright well if you want to future up the whole story then we all need to be in it"Barry said

"First let me put on some make up" Caitlyn says

"The future does not care about your makeup" Cisco says

"Mm-mmm...Okay big smiles" Barry says then runs into the picture and back where he was standing

"Does that count as a selfie" Caitlyn says

"Absolutely" Barry says "thanks for talking me trough things back there" Barry says

"My pleasure" wells said


Joe and Barry were working on a case of a recent attack on wells

"Every thing has a natural frequency and if you Mach that frequency" Barry says setting a cup on the table and rising a frequency to match the cup then the glass broke

"Woah" joe says laughing

"He's using some kind of sonic technology" Barry says

"I'm getting this feeling Wells is hiding something" joe says

"Funny Oliver said the same thing" barry said narrowing his eyebrow

"about what's going on with this rathaway character" joe says reaching towards something

"Don't touch that" Barry says "I mean it sounds this Hartley guy was a pill before he went all super villain so I get why he never mentioned him" Barry says

"Like he never mentions his girlfriend that got killed" joe said

" do you know about her" Barry said

"He's taking a big part of our lives I wanted to know more about him" joe said

"Well if you want to know more about him you could just ask me" barry said

"Sounds like you don't know him as well as you think" joe says

"Joe multiple 911calls rathaway industries is under attack" Eddie says "sector cars are on route"

[phone buzzing] play music now

"Hey"Barry says

"Barry its Caitlyn"

"I think I know why your calling" Barry says

Rathaway industries
[glass shatters]
[sirens blaring]

"Hey down on the ground" police man yells

Barry zips in and pushes him to the floor

"It's over rathaway" Barry says

"You know my name..I'm flattered" Hartley said "I know some names too Caitlyn snow,Cisco Ramon, Harrison wells I can hear the radio waves emanating from your suit about 19000 megahertz is that them on the other end listening are they going to hear you die..even thought you look dateable not personal" Hartley says

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