Chapter 7 killer in the mirror

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So I did good At track so um lists are coming out tomorrow hope I make it because yeah I worked way to damn hard to not make it

Amies pov
She had been punched in the gut by the man that Tortured her when she was younger

"I'm going to kill you when I get out of here I already [cough spits blood] killed your friends" Amie said

"Boss...she said it" the man said then wells walked out

Amie was pushing forward trying to get free when he ran at her grabbed her throat

"You tell them who I am Barry gets to hear that your a killer" wells said "are we clear"

"I'd rather die" Amie said then wells tightened the grip

"I still need Barry for my plan and if you die it will only slow him down" wells said letting go of her neck "continue" he said then walked off

The man started tasing Amie and hitting her with a metal stick then it went to cutting and Burns

"You have no idea what it takes not to kill you right now" The man said holding the bloody knife

"But you won't you don't [cough] have the guts" Amie said

"I know what your trying to do..I thought you that" the man said

"I worshiped you until you killed my family you sick son of a Bitch" Amie screams [coughs]

"Oh but you killed my friends out of cold blood and I killed your family because I had orders to" the man said then started uniting her "get out of here"

"Who's waiting for me on the other side" Amie said

"No one just go before I throw you out the door" the man said then walked off

Amie walked out to see daylight again considering she had been there for 3 days

Star labs
Barry was sitting in a chair worrying about Amie when a blue and green bolt appeared and fell to the floor

"Amie!" Barry said then ran towards her

"Get her too the med bay" Caitlyn said

"What happened" wells said then Amies eyes widened

"Amie relax your going to be ok" Barry said putting her on the table

"Barry" Amie said

"yeah...what's wrong" Barry says

"Does Roy know" Amie said

"About what" Barry said

"About me being gone for three days" Amie said Barry nodded no

"He would of been crushed..I'm sorry" Barry said

"It's ok don't put to much wait on your were just trying to protect him" Amie said then started getting up

"Hey where are you going" Barry said

"To the take a shower" Amie said

"Ok" Barry said

Amies pov
She walked in the restroom and closed the door she took of her shirt to reveal the scars and looked in the mirror,every time she looked in the mirror all she saw was a killer

"it was always going to end" amie said and punched the mirror her knuckles start bleeding and she took one of the shards and cut her arm She cut it 12 times until she realized there was a puddle of blood on the floor and cleaned it up she looked down at her arm with satisfaction and grabbed the alcohol she found in the med bay and poured it on her arm it burned like hell she poured more then got in the shower and let blood blend with the water creating a bloody red when she heard a knock at the door

" ok" Caitlyn says

"Yeah I'm fine just taking a shower" Amie says looking at the shard of bloody glass on the counter and the droplets of blood fallowing her too the shower "everything is fine"

"I'm coming in" Caitlyn says then opens the door to see the broken mirror and blood on a shard then a puddle of blood in the sink "Amie what happened"

"I told you in fine" Amie said

"Barry" Caitlyn called out and walked out to go get him  Amie got out and got dressed she cleaned up the shards and hid the glass but by the time barry got in there he saw her cuts and grabbed her arm

"Amie....why" Barry said

Amie just yanked her arm back and poured more alcohol on it as Barry grabbed the bottle

"Amie What the hell are you doing" Barry said facing her toward him

"I'm sorry Barry..I...I..can't tell'll hate me" Amie said with tears coming down

"You like a child to me there's nothing you'll say that will make me hate you" barry said then went on his knees to meet her eyes

"Wells...he's the..reverse flash.." Amie said

"What" Barry said

"He was there while I was being tortured he was wearing the suit and when he ran at me his lighting was red" Amie said by the time she said that Caitlyn had called Cisco and they all stood there in shock and Barry just had an angry and sad look on his face but he was mostly mad

"If we tell him we know now hell knows what he'd do" Cisco said

"He's right we have to keep it on the low until we are for sure he is him" Caitlyn said

"Barry...right Barry" Cisco says

"Yeah..right"Barry said

"There's something else..and I want to be the one to tell you" Amie said as the attention faced her again and Barry's eyebrows furrowed

Oliver and Roy walk In

"What happend" Roy said and Amie just stood there hiding her arm when Roy walked up to her and saw "amie are you ok"

"I'm's going to heal" amie said

"Amie What did you want to tell us" Barry said

"It Can Wait" Amie said

Wassup my dudes I'm tired asf

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