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She had torn her bedroom apart. Since she and Klaus had brought all her things back from the cottage (with the exception of Esther's grimoire since no one would be able to get to the secret meadow without her presence), she had yet to put anything away. She didn't spend much time in her room anymore. However, this meant the sheet of paper she was looking for was literally like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Maybe she left it in the kitchen? She was usually half asleep whenever she went down for her midnight snacks. She was more exhausted than she had ever been in her whole life. Although, she knew it'd probably be even worse once there was a crying baby involved, waking her every hour.

Grimacing at her thoughts, Rory waddled out of the apartment and down to the courtyard where Elijah and Hayley were having a late breakfast. She ignored them for a moment as she searched the outdoor tables, a tad stressed at her lack of luck.

"I found it, love," Klaus appeared before her, handing her the folded sheet of notebook paper.

He had awoken early to grab a quick bite for breakfast and was perturbed to discover Rory crying, which incited him to join her scavenger hunt. Given his enhanced senses, he was more apt to trace down such a trivial piece of paper that meant a lot to the woman carrying his child.

She beamed at him, her foul mood dissipating like a switch, and kissed his cheek happily. "You left it in the library between the pages of 'Guide to Childbirth'."

He guided her into an empty seat at the table, eager to get her to sit down for once.

While Rory had had a prominent baby bump from pretty much the beginning of her second trimester, six weeks from her suspected due date left her looking very close to popping at any minute. Her entire body had swelled up with the end of the summer heat. Despite everyone's concerns and bets, Rory was determined to hold out as long as possible. She already had a small scare the other night, but it was just Braxton Hicks, to everyone's relief and terror. Neither her or Klaus were necessarily ready—no parent ever was in all honesty.

"Pregnancy brain," Rory sighed, running her eyes down the paper with a satisfied grin, "thanks." She shot him an affectionate look. She appreciated his hybrid abilities being used for good for once, instead of just terrorizing people.

Elijah and Hayley were an intrigued audience to the interesting relationship between the couple.

"Uh, what's up with you two?" Hayley asked, brows raised teasingly, drinking what was definitely blood from a blue ceramic mug, no matter how much she pretended it wasn't. She still wasn't a fan of Klaus, but he made Rory obscenely happy, even if they were still prone to incessant bickering.

𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘙 ° 𝘒𝘓𝘈𝘜𝘚 𝘔𝘐𝘒𝘈𝘌𝘓𝘚𝘖𝘕 Where stories live. Discover now