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Pregnancy was weird. And so exhausting. Her bed and bathroom had become her best friends. In addition to morning sickness (which frankly occurred throughout the whole day and most especially at night for Rory), she needed to pee at least a million times a day. Her moods shifted as easily as the wind blew. She was bloated and she was tired all the time.

As Rory got ready for the day, dressed in the expensive clothes courtesy of her brand new wardrobe from one of Klaus' lackeys, she was startled by the strange, alien body in the bathroom mirror that apparently belonged to her. Her body had changed so much in so little time. Although Rebekah had commented on her lack of a supernatural watermelon sized stomach, Rory could definitely see the change in her body, the roundness of her lower abdomen, evidently extending past her pelvic bones. Aside from her small, tiny yet discernible bump, her chest appeared to have nearly doubled in size. She had never been very blessed in that bodily department given her naturally willowy figure, so it was a little shocking to suddenly have cleavage (even if her boobs were incredibly sore and tender.)

She assumed she was probably 7 weeks or so along, give or take a few days. It's not like she could go to the doctor's for an official examination. Speaking of doctors...Rory was suddenly struck with the realization that her mother knew nothing of her whereabouts or state of being. She hadn't called her mother since she arrived in New Orleans and that was weeks ago now. Rory knew her mother had to be panicking because she usually called at least once a month.

Rory ran to her room and ransacked her purse, the only thing she had been able to grab of her personal belongings as her car was still in the possession of the witches. When Elijah had come to fetch her and Hayley from the cemetery after Klaus agreed to the witches' scheme, she only had time to grab what she could carry. In all the drama and adjusting to her new life, she hadn't thought about her phone. It was lucky it was still in there. She quickly plugged it into an outlet, discovering with dreadful guilt the hundreds of messages and phone calls she had received in the last few weeks from primarily her mother and a few other people from Forks.

As expected, she had hundreds of missed phone calls, voicemails, and messages. Rory sped read through most of the texts from her old high school friends and various family members, the most worrying of all from her mother pertaining to Bella's spontaneous trip to California, sparking her mother's concern of Rory's whereabouts to grow even more than before.

Mama, I'm ok. I'm still in
New Orleans. A lot has happened,
I was busy dealing with things.
I have news. Call me when you can.

Rory slid her phone into her back pocket while she waited for a response. She thought about what she would tell her mother—what version of the truth, to be specific. Obviously Rory had to tell her she was pregnant, but what about the fact that she barely knew her child's father?

Klaus was not just a mystery, he was a fire-breathing dragon and she had a bucket of water. She knew more about the supernatural drama of New Orleans, how the city had been taken over because some super witch is in Marcel's control, than what Klaus liked to do in his free time. If there was anything her mother would be disappointed in about the situation is that Rory and Klaus were complete and utter strangers. They were like roommates—no, like neighbors who lived in the same complex, but barely interacted.

Rory's mother was an understanding, compassionate woman; she was, however, a firm believer of building a strong, durable relationship with another person before anything else. As far as Rory could tell, their one night stand would be just; there was no indication their relationship would be anything more than her bringing his child into the world. And it wasn't like Rory hated him—Klaus was a cruel, violent, blood-sucking self-serving hybrid asshole, but somewhere deep down, he was a normal man. She hoped in time she would get to know him better, beyond the hybrid and the violence, he would be a good father to their child. 

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