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ACCORDING TO GOOGLE, AN ABATTOIR IS DEFINED AS A SLAUGHTERHOUSE, WHERE ANIMALS ARE BUTCHERED AND KILLED. French in origin, it makes perfect sense for in a city as entrenched in such culture for the vampire headquarters of New Orleans to be aptly named as such.

A year ago, Rory would have considered living amongst vampires as quite comfortable, but that was when she believed all vampires were compassionate beings who sparkled in the sun, instead of the brutal violent beings that true vampires were. And she would have never imagined that the most brutal and violent of such beings, a literal king now, was the father of her child.

"I hope you found your new apartment to your liking?"

Turning around from the closet she was hanging her clothes in, Rory found Klaus standing at the threshold of the bedroom door, arms crossed, a smug smirk was a permanent fixture on his face since Marcel surrendered and gave up New Orleans to him.

She rolled her eyes as she continued her chore. "Yes, what else could I possibly do with three rooms, a bathroom, and a locked door?" Naturally, Klaus had chosen her quarters of the Abattoir to be next to his, there was even an adjoining door—something about keeping his values close at hand. At least he wasn't oblivious enough to believe he had no enemies within the walls who could all easily kill her given the chance. "You can't fool me to believe this isn't just another prison. Only this time, in a pit of snakes. Plus a balcony view. Fantastic."

"Oh, come on, love, don't be so difficult." He came up behind her, clasping her tense shoulders. "This is all for your safety."

"It's for your safety–hah!" she mocked him in an exaggerated lower-pitched British accent. "Where have I heard that bullshit before? Oh yes, before being holed up in an old plantation house for months on end, where I was anything but safe, Niklaus Mikaelson. Or shall I repeat the countless incidents to refreshen your memory?"

"I recall most incidents were due to you and Hayley deciding to leave the house, but I digress," he raised his hands up innocently. "You're certainly no prisoner by any means, if you wish to go out into the quarter, I won't stop you."

It took her a moment to register what he had said. The expectant look on his face gave her cause to backtrack. "Wait, you're serious?" She hadn't been out in the public since the beginning of her pregnancy. If you couldn't tell, Rory hated it. As if excited for Rory, the baby did kicked against her ribcage suddenly, increasing her excitement tenth-fold.

Klaus nodded, amusement playing at his lips as he watched her reaction. "As long as I accompany you or you have a proper chaperone, it's safe to go out now. The city is mine, but I won't allow you to be in unguarded."

She practically jumped into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck in excitement at the prospect of going out in public, legitimately, for the first time in months. He caught her easily, looking into her eyes with an odd yet endeared look.

𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘙 ° 𝘒𝘓𝘈𝘜𝘚 𝘔𝘐𝘒𝘈𝘌𝘓𝘚𝘖𝘕 Where stories live. Discover now