Rvb S10 E5 "A Regular Day"

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Author: Sorry for the late chapter, school is holding me back on this and am starting to suffer a bit from some writers block, but I'm going to try and not let that hold me back.

Anyway here's the next chapter you guys have been waiting for.

Present/Wind Power Facility
As Sarge is talking to Simmons and Grif, Leo is seen walking over towards the blues who are currently arguing over something.

Tucker: -I can't believe you did that!

Church: You should be thanking me, really! The things I found on there were disturbing!

Tucker: That still doesn't give you the right to delete it!

Zeta appears next to the two.

Zeta: Can you guys be quiet for one second!?

Tucker: Not until, he apologises!

Church: I ain't apologising for shit!

Leo stands besides Wade as Zeta floats back over to him and onto his shoulder.

Leo: Uh, is this a bad time?

Wade: (Sighs) Just give them a moment.

Leo: How long has this been going on for?

Wade: I would roughly say a couple minutes now.

Leo: What are they even arguing about this time?

Caboose: Oh, Church did an opsie and Tucker didn't like it.

Leo looks at Wade and Zeta for an explanation.

Zeta: That's the short version of it.

As Church and Tucker continue to argue, Leo finally decides to put a stop to it. He walks in between them,

Leo: That's enough! Can you guys stop bickering like two children and listen for a sec!

They both stop and look at Leo.

Church: Now what- Leo?

Tucker: What are you doing here?

Leo: I came here to ask, if could I talk to Church for a sec?

Tucker: Uh sure dude, but I don't know why you have to ask me.

Church: I'm my own person you know.

Leo: I know! It's just that he's inside of you and all-

Tucker: ...take that back.

Leo: Huh?

Tucker: Rephrase that statement, right now!

Leo: Seriously? Fine, seeing how Church is inside your helmet... happy?

Tucker: Much better and I don't care, go talk to him if you want.

Church: Still here, just saying.

Leo: Right, can I talk to you in private, Church?

Church points over to a rock in the distance.

Church: Uh, sure we can talk over there, I guess.

Leo: Alright.

Leo walks over to the rock as Church floats behind him. The others just watch them leave.

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