chapter 10

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   Hey guys! Thanks for reading and all your support! Sorry it took so long, but I've finally updated. Okay, 2 quick things, PLEASE READ:

1) If you've read the series, you will probably notice that this doesn't go exactly with the books. As I get further in, some of the facts and characters may change a bit. I will try my best to stay in line with the series.

2) I am releasing a new book called "Thief: A Dystopian Society" by Wednesday, the 12th. If you like this book, you'll like Thief. Please give it a read and comment. Thanks!

I took small breaths, trying not to move a muscle. "What..."

I slapped my hand over Nolan's mouth as quickly and quietly as I could. The genius was about to give us away. I knew something like this was bound to happen. God I was stupid. I never should of come here with Nolan. I let my feelings get ahold of me. I needed an escape route, and quick. I tried looking for crevices or footholes along the cliff, but I had run out of luck. We were trapped.

     What if I could jump? I thought. I've never really considered how high I could jump. Or maybe levitate myself? No way, even if I could do those things I wouldn't do it. i had to protect Nolan. He had to get out of this alive or I would never forgive myself. Atleast until I died, anyways. I heard growling outside, getting closer.

    "Stupid cliffs," I murmured.

"Jess," Nolan grabbed my hand and stared intenty into my eyes. "What's goin on?" he whispered. "You can tell me." For a moment I hesitated. I wanted to tell him everything- How the mogs are chasing after me. How they want to kill me along with the rest of the others, and then take over th planet. How basically everything he knows about me a lie, my whole life fake.

   But I just couldn't put him in that much danger. "I...I can't, Nolan. I'm sorry, we're trapped. Right now, I'm about as useless as that stupid, ugly tree"

    Wait a second...tree.  An idea popped into my head. I whipped my head up to look at the tree. It was indeed ugly. By the looks of it, a hideous, undernourished birch mabe 25 feet. There were hardly any leaves and barely any branches, but if i could just manage to reach the first branch...

   "Do you have a a pocket knife on you, Nolan?"

     "Yea, why does it matter? Jess, please tell me. I thought you trusted me. I'm sure whatever's going on is just a misunderstading. Just wait here, I'll get up and go talk to them." He slowly got up and started to move toward the cleverly hidden entrance. I grabbed his arm, but he didn't stop. I didn't know what to do.

     Without thinking, I pulled his arm a bit harder so that he stumbled and and had to turn toward me to kep his balance. I grabbed his shoulers and placed my lips gently onto his. It was only  few seconds, but I could tell he was majorly shocked. I convinced myself I only did this because it was the only way he would listen. Not because I wanted too.

    It didn't make sense, especially since I'd seen him kiss other girls lots of times before. His lips were soft and warm, and he smelled like axe. Ugh, the smell was intoxicating to my advanced smelling.I slid my hand into his back pocket and grabbed his pocket knife. Once again I heard growling, but this time it was farther away. I wondered why.

     I pulled away and looked at him seriously. "Listen to me, I promise I'll explain later. There are people after me, the ones outside.  I need you to walk quietly over there." I pointed to a small corner. "And just stand there, no matter what."

    Nolan looked at me, still in a daze. "What?"

I slapped my hand on my face. Great. We're going to die because of his stupidity. What makes it worse is that he has one of the best grades in school, he's the smartest dribbler (and the captain) of the whole high school boys varsity basketball team, and to top it off he helps coach design some of the football plays! And he chooses now, in a life and death situation, to be a stupid blonde!

   "Okay, im just kidding. I got it. Stand in the corner, like a kindergartener who just got in trouble for stealin someone's crayons." He walked over mumbling to himself about crazy teenage girls while I started to climb the tree. I grabbed the branch and jumped onto it with ease, getting to the top in seconds.

    Just as I got to the top and Nolan stopped in the corner, it wasn't a mog but a grotesque creature which resembled a monkey. It was on all fours, making an almost cute monkey face. It wasn't any taller than a regular sized table, but something tells me when he stands up on his hind legs  it wont be too pretty.

    From the corner I heard Nolan say, "aawww Jess, it's just a cute monkey. I don't know why you would think this guys after you..." As if on cue, the monkey got up on its two feet and showed his jagged rows of deathly sharp teeth. "Woah, woah! Bad monkey! Bad, bad monkey!!" Nolan screamed. I would of cracked up and fallen off the tree if Nolan wasn't about to be torn to shreds.

     The monkey made a noise, a mix between a hiss and a growl. He had what looked like gills on his face, and his eyes were now pure black. What scared me most was that on his tail was a set of spikes, and since his tail was quite long he could swing and aim with accuracy.

   The monkey started to charge. Now I had to time this right. The monkey didn't know I was in the tree yet, but he was about to. When the monkey was about to overcome the high-pitched screaming Nolan, I jumped. I held on to the pocket knife, my knuckles ghostly white.

When I came down, I grabbed the monster's neck as if to put him in a choke-hold, then plunged the small, little knife into the spot where his heart should be. He exploded into ash immediately, completely covering me and Nolan. I looked into his readable face and I saw mixed emotions. Fear, disbelief, confusion.

  I dropped the knife and ran to him. He engulfed me in a hug. he was shaking violently, or maybe that was me. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him.

      What have I done?

Okay, thanks once again! And don't forget THIEF:A DYSTOPIAN SOCIETY to be released Wednesday. Hope u liked the chapter!!! :D

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