Chapter 11

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     We just stood there hugging eachother ever so tightly. I couldn't believe it. Still in shock, I realized that there could be more attacks any second now. I let go of him and started walking towards the small knife. I couldn't fight them off with this little thing. I needed to get my hands on something much bigger and deadlier.

      "What's going on?" Nolan was trying to keep his cool, but I knew he wasn't freaking out for my sake.

"You have to promise you will listen to my story without interrupting, and you can't tell a soul about this, ever."

  He didn't even hesitate. "I promise."

Where should I start? I don't want him to be overwhelmed, so I would only give him a little piece of information. "Okay, so that... thing that almost killed you. I don't remember the name, but he's a creature from where I came from. He's only one of many. And by the looks, he was only a baby. Think of him as a pet to some very bad people who want to kill me." I explained a little bit more and added that Mitch wasn't really my dad, and I was so relieved to let it out.

       "And so the people who are chasing us? Well, there's many more. And that's why...that's why I have to leave." 

Nolan stared at me wide-eyed. "Why? You know how to protect yourself."

"There will be more coming soon that I won't be able to fight. They're bigger, stronger and more experienced."

     "No! I can't let you go! I won't! I will stay and fight with you and protect you at all costs!"

I felt my eyes begin to water. "No, I...I can't let you do that."

I looked into his dazzling eyes, and so many emotions were reflected. I stared down at the ground, because the look of sadness on his face was too unbearable.

He started to talk quietly again. "If you can't stay here, than can I-Watch out!" I turned around just in time to see another hideous creature get ready to pounce. Luckily I've been trained for these situations, and I felt my instincts kick in.

     I tumbled out of the way, then got back on my feet. This beast was much quicker and bigger than the first. He licked his lips, like he hadn't eaten in days and I was his next meal. With my luck, that was probably true. His ribs were starting to show through his skin (or fur, whatever you call it) and he had bags under his eyes, like he had spent many restless nights awake.

      I saw him get ready to pounce again, but this time I was too slow. His claw sunk in to my leg for a moment, and I cried out in pain. "No!", I heard from a little ways away. I don't know how I was going to fight this. I was about to get ready to accept the fact that I was gonna die. I hobbled up and off the ground, setting my weight on my left foot. Great. It just so happens that he'd gotten my good foot too.

    Desperately I looked around for something to fight with. The beast was leisurely walking to me, taking his swee time. All I had in my hand was the small little knife. If only I could remember the stories about these animals from Lorien legends. I thought desperately. A monkeylike creature. Spiked tail. I remembered that these creatures would come several days before the actual army came, kind of like a scout. There was something about its eyes. Evil black eyes. Then I suddenly remembered.

           Black eyes. "That's it!" I said to myself. The creature looked at me confused, and I forgot that he probably had even better hearing than me. The Lorien legend of Alcano. These creatures were supposed to be myths. They killed you by paralyzing its prey with its ghostly black eyes. It was said that it would steal your soul, and depending on how strong a warrior you were, it would make him stronger.  Then, of course, it ripped you to shreds.

I patted my pockets down for my phone. I froze. What I wanted to do so badly right now was cuss Nolan out for bringing me here, then kill him for taking my phone. "Nolan." I said, trying to act calm. I didn't take my eyes off the beast though, just to make sure he didn't get to excited and eat me early. I had to time this perfectly once again.  "My phone. Put it on camera, then switch the lens to mirror." I thanked Mitch a million times in my head for giving in to buying me an iPhone. "Jess, are you crazy!? This is no time to look at your reflection!" 

    I risked a look at him. "Trust me. When I say now."  He nodded his head. The beast must have gotten tired of waiting, so once again he pounced. He landed on me, and we both went down to the ground. I took the full impact though, and I couldn't breath for a second. Little black dots danced in my vision. I made a mental note to say sorry to Nolan for knocking him over earlier. 

 The beast stood over me now, his legs trapping me between the ground, and his repulsive face. His breath reaked and his fur smelled horribly of rotting meat. I did my best to not look into his eyes, very fearful of what would happen. It was almost as if his eyes were pulling me to look into them. I focused on anything but his face and horrible smells. The beast had totally forgotten about Nolan, probably thinking he was a puny, insignificant human. Well, he was about to find out he was wrong.

     I felt the beast tensed, and I knew a few seconds before that he would snap at me. So, I screamed. "NOW!" Nolan tossed the phone to me. Actually, I should say he more like chucked it at me. He knew how well I could catch, and thanks to his perfect football and basketall skills, it was a perfect throw. Not a moment too soon either. The beasts hairs stood on end, and just as he was getting ready to lunge, I caught my phone in my right hand.I held the phone mirror in front of the beasts, and he gave a small yelp. My phone had done exactly what it needed to do. The mirror had reflected the beast's eyes, and he had apparently never seen how scary they were. I wished the reflection would be enough to paralyze him, but sadly It was only enough to scare him.

     I pressed the button to take a picture, knowing my flash was on. It shone in the monkeys eyes, and he closed his eyes, shaking his head vigorously. The flash had momentarily blinded him. And a moment was all I needed. I took out the pocket knife and thrust the knife into his side as far as it would go. This time the creature didn't dissipate into exploding dust, but instead he fell to the ground writhing. I thought I would have to stab him again, but then he stopped moving.

      His essence melted into the dirt, and he was gone. I knew there were no more beasts after us (for now) and I could feel that none were in the area. Nolan's eyes were plastered to the spot where the monkey was dispersing, and I took this as my chance to leave. He was much quicker than I thought, though.  He grabbed my wrist once again and pulled me into a hug. I let go of a tear that I had been holding back, and I put my face into his chest. Then abruptly, he let me go. I was shocked.

    He whispered to me, like we were the only two people in the world. Just me and him. "I understand. If you truly love something, let it go." I slipped another tear. I didn't want to leave him. Something would be back to hunt me down again soon, and I had to get to Mitch. I pulled him back into a hug one last time, and I grabbed his hand. He kissed my forehead . "Go."

    And with that, I slipped my hand out of his. I ran away, not wanting him to hear me cry.


Sorry guys, This part had to be done:( But don't worry, this isn't the end of Nolan. Comment and share this story and I'll update Sunday! Also, I need some ideas for names for upcoming characters. Thanks for all the reads! Love you guys!

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