Chapter 12

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      Most of the morning whizzed by. I remember bursting through the door to an angry Mitch, but as soon as he saw the state I was in he softened up. He made me tell him what had happened and why I would even think of going. I don't know why he would ask ,though. I know he already knew.

     When I wouldn't answer his other questions there was a brief silence.

"It was a boy, wasn't it?" Mitch asked quizzically.

"Why do you care. It's not like it's gonna change anything."

"You know, Jess, have I ever told you that in my day, I was quie the lady's man?" He said with a hint of a smile and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Ya I'm sure. Back in YOUR day."

He fake-glared at me. "It's true!"

I cannot believe I was having this conversation with him.

"Uh huh. Sure, Mitch. And where did you take your "ladies" out to on a date? Did you guys watch the sunset from a cliff while dinosaurs frolicked around?"

This time we both bursted out laughing. Mitch really knew how to make me feel better. He gave me the finger, and I was completely shocked he had. I laughed, and without thinking I threw a nearby vase at him. It hit him square in the stomach with such force that he was knocked off the couch. That, of course, made me laugh even more.

     Sadly,I heard the vase hit the ground and break into pieces. I walked over to the shattered glass to make sure Mitch hadn't gotten cut. "Are you okay? Sorry about that."

     He looked fine. No cuts or bruises. He acted like he didn't know if he should be happy or mad.

Mitch got up and answered," Two things. One, you shouldn't have thrown that. It could have cut me. On the other hand..." he trailed off. "That was a freaking amazing throw! Did you throw that as hard as you could?"

 I laughed. "Nope," popping the p. 

"I'm very proud, then. Now I'm going to get an aspirin than finish up packing. You should do the same. Now clean up this mess." I smirked. That wouldn't be hard with my telekinesis. "And Jess, you CAN'T use your powers." crap.

I groaned. I don't wanna pack and I don't want to clean. But I knew it was for the best. He walked up the stairs and disappeared into his room. All of a sudden I got an idea. A crazy one, but it was pretty genius if I do say so myself. 

     I leaned over to the vase and concentrated. The delicate hand painted patterns on the broken shards were incredible. I never noticed that before. Then again, I don't take my time to study old vases. I lifted up five or six similar, bigger parts, and tried to put them together. It didn't work. I tried again. I took the two biggest pieces and tried to force them together. That resulted in the 2 pieces breaking into 4, and I ducked quickly to avoid being hit by sharp glass.

 I was becoming frustrated, and felt like punching through a couple walls. But something inside me told me to try it again. I gave myself a mental pep talk. "Cmon, Jess. Maybe your looking at it from the wrong perspective." I thought hard for a second. "Looking at it from the wrong perspective," I repeated aloud. Then a lightbulb in my stupid brain finally went off. Try thinking of it as a puzzle.

From there it's like my mind went on auto-pilot. I saw pieces that connected the easiest, and pressed them together in the air. I pretended like I was building a puzzle on a flat surface like I had so long ago. When I was little, Mitch and I put together thousand piece puzzles just for fun. I loved puzzles, because they really made me think. You had to pay attention to detail and shape if you ever wanted to finish the puzzle. 

I have no idea how I did it, but I willed my mind to fuse the pieces together. Instead of trying to push the pieces together so hard, I gently set one piece next to the other, just like a puzzle. Before I knew it, glass was flying everywhere and then there were no more pieces. I had fixed the glass vase with my mind. In the air.

    I wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead, and I heard someone clapping. I looked up the staircase and saw that Mitch had been watching me the whole time, and I didn't even notice. He walked down the stairs and hugged me. "I'm proud of you, kiddo. I knew you could do it."

    I looked up at Mitch and hugged even more tightly. "Ya, me too," I whispered.

"Now if you'll excuse me," I said cockily, "me and my wonderful telekinesis are going to take a nap. I'm exhausted."

   "I admire your work, Jess, but I'm afraid you have to pack first, then you'll have plenty of time to sleep in the car."

I sighed.  "Alright."

 I turned to walk up the stairs and Mitch added. "Oh, and one more thing." I turned and he tossed me a big book, an atlas. He also tossed up a little manilla envelop, which I knew contained most of the stuff I needed to make fake IDs and stuff. "Choose wisely" Mitch said. And with that he walked off to go finish packing.

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