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after we went to the shop it was close to 3pm and i decided to leave since grace is alone at her house with Tucker, in a way i really feel sorry for her, but in another way she should understand it's his job and sometimes he can't spend time with her. i arrived at 3:15pm or something like that and rang at the place where all doorbells are and she let me in and eventually knocked at her door 

"hey" she said as she opened the door, you could clearly tell she's been crying again
"hey, are you okay?" i said as i hugged her, she started crying again
"i'm not, i don't know why i was so mad, i regret what i have said, i regret everything"
"hey, it's okay" i said while i was going in as she said i could and closed the door
"i don't even know where he is" and she wiped her tears away
"he's at nicks' right now" "he's staying there now for the night since he didn't feel comfortable being around you since you were mad at him" i said 
"wait, he texted you?"
"no, i texted him, because you weren't answering and harry got a message from simon that he's to nicks'" 
"i'm basically happy you're here" and i smiled when she said that 
"it was a long time ago since we did this"
"i know!" she said and both laughed

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