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where the fuck is simon with the cops, they're fucking needed here, i also need food, i'm starving, plus i feel like fainting because i lost too much blood again. i saw my kids crying and it just hurts to see them cry. everything went black again. i wish this didn't happen, why me.

when i woke up, i was somewhere else, again, for god's sake, but i think those weren't here anymore, there were some people here, but i couldn't really see that good since everything was blurred, i just saw them talking. they apparently saw i was awake and they started talking to me, i had no clue what they were saying, my ears were hurting so much, i couldn't keep my eyes open, i didn't even clearly see where i was, so i just decided to sleep. i didn't want to talk, well, i couldn't talk, at all since i didn't feel good. i hope those bad people are gone.

i'm so sorry for not updating a lot, i don't have the motivation for it + my dog died 2 days ago and i'm really sad about it, so sorry about that x

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