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The last day, Harry and Alyssa are coming back around 5pm and Sophie started crying because she misses her parents

"Honey stop crying" "they will be back soon sweetie" i said comforting Sophie
"Me miss mommy and daddy" she said and was still crying
"I know sweetie, i know" i said as I still was comforting her, then the doorbell rang
"That's them probably" grace said from the kitchen getting cookies
"Do you want to open the door together with me?" I said to her. She nodded, I put her on the ground and she held my hand and walked to the door
"Hiiii" Harry said
" MOMMY" "DADDY" she said as she hugged their legs and Alyssa picked her up
"You will go get her bag of stuff i'll stay here" grace said and they laughed and i was getting her bag
"Any troubles?" Harry asked
"Just with eating her vegetables, specially with tomatoes"
"Yeah she did that before, not like that's new, she needs to learn it to eat that" he said and grace agreed

As soon as i came with her bag they said bye and left


"Me cry today" she said as she was playing with her toy in the car
"Why were you crying honey?" I asked
"Me miss you and daddy"
"We're here now aren't we"
"Yes" she said and smiled afterwards and continued playing and we came home a few minutes later

Harry picked sophie up from her chair and we went inside
HARRY POV (sorry for switching of pov's so fast)
"Was it fun with auntie grace and uncle simon?" I said as she nodded
"Uncew simon and i play hide seek" "he bad" and i laughed
"And where did you hide?" I asked her changing her clothes into pj's
"SHOECABNET" she said full of joy and i laughed "smell uncle's foot in shoe"

When she said that i laughed even harder

"Oh they were stinky?" Al said and laughed
"Yes" sophie said and we all laughed

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