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       Everyone stayed late into the night before heading home except Paul and Embry, who crashed on the couches. Winter didn't know why for Embry but Sam didn't even think twice about it so it's fine. Not her business and if they want to tell her they can. That's how Winter thought of this anyway. So after she bid every one goodnight she headed back up to her room.
In her room, she slipped out of her tank top and into a large t-shirt. Then slid into her bed and pulled up the covers. Today was good. The boys were fun and Leah was cool. Paul and Winter were instantly back to the way they were before she left. Same with Jared, though she felt more drawn to Paul. She hoped tomorrow would be just as good.
       The next time Winter was woken, Emily was the one who did so. She was very gentle and told her breakfast was ready so she should hurry before the boys finish it. It was just Embry, Sam, and Paul but they could really eat. They worry the young girl sometimes with how much they eat.
Hunger got the best of her so she rolled out of bed, threw her hair into a ponytail, and stumbled downstairs.
       "Winter!" Paul and Sam exclaimed with food in their mouths. Embry tried to join but couldn't since his mouth was full.
       Winter chuckled at them and plopped down next to Paul where her plate sat. Emily, the food goddess, in many peoples opinion, made potato and eggs with biscuits for breakfast. There was also a pitcher of orange juice for them to drink. She ate all of it quickly and sighed. God, did Winter love this woman.
"Emily, have I ever told you how much I love you? Because I love you very much."
She giggled. "I love you too."
Sam's head perked up. "Hey now, she's mine."
"No, mine."
"Hey!" Emily gained their attention, "I'm Sam's. Sorry, Winter."
Winter gasped and put a hand over her heart and pouted. Paul shook his head and laughed, giving the girl an idea. Before anyone could stop her, she swung herself over to where she was straddling Paul and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Well then Paul is mine!" Winter shouted and moved her head to the crook of his neck.
Paul didn't complain, he enjoyed the position. But it took him by surprise which is why Winter felt him tense before he stood up abruptly. She shrieked and wrapped her legs around his waist tightly. He laughed and moved his hands to her thighs to support her. She couldn't help but think: God damn this boy's hands are warm. And big. And calloused. These were things Winter didn't notice before. She liked the feeling though. Next thing she knew they were moving towards the stairs.
"Fine by me. Sam after she puts on some pants we're going to explore! I want to show you the forest," he whispered the last bit in her ear causing a shiver to run down her back.
Winter inhaled sharply and nodded. "Be careful and keep your hands to yourself, Lahote!" Sam warned.
"No promises!" Paul smirked as Sam shouted a few more threats at him.
Then he opened her door and sat on her bed. Winter climbed off quickly and took off her shirt, turning to her closet in the process. After searching through her clothes for a little bit she realized: she doesn't know what to wear.
"What should I wear?" Winter turned to Paul, who was leaning back on her bed. His arms supporting him.
He smirked, again. "Well, personally, I like what you're wearing right now."
She rolled her eyes. "I'm serious!"
He laughed and walked over, stopping right in front of her. Winter looked up at Paul and he looked down at her. Neither of them breaking eye contact. Even when he reached behind her to pull something out.
"It's warm for once, so wear this with shorts." Paul handed her the shirt and laid back on the bed.
The teenager was flustered and it was clearly visable in her face but that didn't slow her down. She held in front of her a loose, dark green tank top. Winter liked that top, it was on of her favorites to wear when warm. Putting that on she walked towards her dresser on the other side of the room and pulled out a pair of ripped, black jeans shorts. They ended just at her finger tips. She redid her ponytail and slipped on a pair of running shoes.
"Let's go!"
      Winter jumped on Paul's back and he rushed down the stairs, out the house, and into the woods. Her grip tightened as did his on her thighs. The trees flew past and she knew he was grinning because she was too. The wind ripped through her hair and felt nice against her skin. She threw her head back and let out a laugh. Paul echoed her and ran even faster. Faster than should be possible but she was enjoying it too much to care.
Paul stopped and slowly let her down. The two were in the heart of the forest and it was absolutely beautiful. Winter couldn't help but stare in awe. The greenery of the trees and the freshness of the dirt. The smell of a fresh rain. All of it was just amazing.
       She always loved the forest. Everything about it drew her in and made her never want to leave. She felt at peace here; calm even which is something she loved about the reservation. Winter hated being away where there were no big forest with trees green all year long. But now she's home, right where she wants to be.
       "Paul..." She didn't know what to say, "this is beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here. It's been too long."
       He smiled at her, "I had a feeling. This is one of my favorite places to go when I need to calm down or want to be alone. I had to show you too."
       And without saying anything else, she jumped at him. He seemed surprised at first but once he realized Winter was hugging him he returned the action comfortably. Paul was warm. That was something she noticed. All of the boys are really warm—warmer than normal. It's as if they're all running fevers but they act fine. They look fine too so they aren't sick. The boys are just really warm. And she's ok with that.
       "Wanna stay or walk back?"
       "Stay for now; we can walk back later."
        After answering his question, they sat and enjoyed the view. The weather was perfect for once. Clear sky, soft breeze, not too hot but not too cold, and it was sunny. Sun is a rare thing in La Push. They're under a constant cover of clouds so it's usually cold and rainy and cloudy. Then there are just cloudy days or partially cloudy with the sun out just enough for out door activities. No matter the weather though, La Push is great. And sometimes the rain is perfect. Sometimes you don't need the sun to have fun.
Winter and Paul day out there for so long they lost track of time. But it was nice. Just each other's  presence was enough. Though the talking was definitely a plus. She got to know more about him and he got to know her. There was a lot to catch up on. It must've been hours they spent there. And both would love to do it again. But a girl has got to eat.
"Well I don't know about you but I'm starving sooooo let's go!" Winter jumped up from next to him, "you coming, Lahote?"
He grinned and stood up as well, "You know it, Uley."
With that said, they started the small trek back to Emily's place.

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