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Whats Goodie my FaceVasers? I got a (I think) pretty good one here! All Right Lets Roll!

#Imagine your husband Daveed brings you to a really fancy restaurant for a romantic date. (cause he got money like that unlike me) You're sitting across from each other staring in each other's eyes. (because normal people do that right) You lean forward to kiss your husband of 5 years. Right as he leans forward to kiss you, your waitress walks over breaking y'alls concentration. (that fool 😂) "So sorry to interrupt what looks like date night but may I take your order?" Your faces turn red as y'all sit down. "Ha yes I'll have the (INSERT MF FOOD ITEMS HERE AND CALL IT A DAY)." "And you ma'am?" "Um I'll have the (ONCE AGAIN INSERT MF FOOD ITEMS HERE AND CALL IT A DAY)." "All right let me go put that in for you. Enjoy your date night", she says before walking away. "She was nice," you say. "Yes but where were we" he says leaning towards you again. You lean forward just waiting to feel his soft full lips on yours. As y'all finally kiss you feel yourself starting to blush. (like a lil bitch 😂) You sit down and try to cover your face because you didn't want him to see. "Quit covering your face it's cute when you blush" he says (like a lil bitch) as he moves your hands away causing you to blush more. "Dammit Diggs, you know I can't help it because you're just too damn cute and adorable, but also sexy as a mofo. Also, (because I was watching a certain movie) your hair look good. Who did it for you?" "I am aren't I and it just kinda does this when I wash it now. Yeah, it must be all the healthy living got me looking so good. You know, my natural state.", he says with the smuggest of all looks. (he sexy and he knows it) Y'all couldn't help but to bust out laughing because of his goofiness. "I hope this food hurries up. I'm so hungry." you say, stomach growling like a wolf stalking it prey. "I can tell. Ya stomach loud as fuck." He says still laughing from a few minutes ago. "Here's your food guys," the waitress says as she puts y'all food on the table. "Thank you." Y'all say in unison before shoving food in your face holes 🕳. As you eat your food you find yourself semi staring at Daveed's face. "Uhh can I help you?" he ask trying to figure out why you're staring so hard at him. Snapping out of it, "Huh? Oh sorry. I blanked. Do you realize how beautiful you are?" "I mean you are really so beautiful." you say in amazement. Blushing and grinning widely, the only thing Diggs can think to do was smile his beautiful smile and say, "thank you." As y'all finish y'all food the waitress walks over. "How was everything? Would you like anything else?" No thanks, this was very good. You want anything Y/N?""I want you." you mumbled covering your mouth hoping Daveed wouldn't hear you. "I heard that." he said smirking. You ask for the check, and the waitress brings over.  As you were about to go and pay for it, Daveed pulls out his card and gives it to the lady. "I got this babygirl put your money away." "Can we go home now," you whine. "Once i get my card back we can leave." Right after saying that the waitress returns and gives Daveed his card back. "Now we can leave." he says winking. Y'all leave the restaurant, get in his car, and head home. As soon as y'all make it home and he puts the car in park, you grab Daveed's face and kiss him with a fiery passion. He (obviously) kisses back and after two minutes or so, suggest y'all should go inside to finish what was started. You agree, and you both go inside. As Daveed goes into the kitchen to put whatever leftover food up, you go upstairs, change into something more pleasing, and lay on the bed. "Daveed!."

Ok FaceVasers I MAY continue this chapter later on. I haven't fully decided yet. Alright Peace!

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