Chapter five~

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I wait nervously, still lying in bed and staring at the clock. Today will be eventful. First, I'll have a scan to see if my back has been healing, and then, if the swelling's decreased enough, I'll get on my feet for the first time in two and a half weeks.

Dr Cullen comes into the room. Even after seeing him almost every day for a while now, I can't help but be struck by his good looks. He comes over to my bedside and takes a seat.

"They'll be ready for you in radiology in about 10 minutes, but I highly doubt there'll be anything wrong." He says, smiling slightly.

"So... if I'm walking again soon, when can I go home?" I ask hopefully. To be honest, my hospital stay wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, probably something to do with the blond doctor in front of me.

"Patience, Miss English" He pauses to smile and barely holds in a laugh when I glare. "If we deem that you can maneuver yourself well enough without any chance of injury then you can probably enter the care of your mother in a couple of days." He says.

Yes! Two more days of this bed. "But I'll have to come back here every day?" I ask, not sure how I feel about that.

"Yes. For a little while because we have to continue rehab." He says. "Which I know you love." He adds.

The truth is, I find muscle rehabilitation really boring, especially when it isn't with Doctor Cullen. However, it will definitely be better when I can start getting up on my feet. I know it's not going to be a walk in the park, quite the opposite, but it's the road to me dancing again, and I'll drag myself along it with my fingertips if I have to.

A nurse comes through the doors with a wheelchair. This is going to be tricky. Dr Cullen supports my back while the nurse helps me shift my legs around. At this rate, the doctor will be holding most of my weight with just his hands.

"You're going to drop me, I'm not exactly a bag of feathers you know." I tell him.

"Don't worry, I won't let you fall." He reassures.

I'm also worried about him breaking his wrists but I don't tell him that. However, to my surprise, we manage just fine, his hands steady and cool on the hospital gown I wear. As we wheel along the fluorescent lit corridors, my mind is no longer on the blond man pushing my wheelchair. If all goes well today, the accident that haunts me won't always be a part of my life, I'll be able to move on.

When the doors of the Radiology Unit swing closed behind us, Doctor Cullen helps me out of the wheelchair and onto the bed that will slide into the PET scanner. His light touch leaves my shoulders and he looks into my eyes as he talks.

"Just breath regularly and shallowly once you're in there. Make sure to close your eyes and good luck."

Before I know it I'm sliding into the machine. I can hear it whirring, but for something that will tell my future, it passes remarkably quickly. When I'm safely in my wheelchair again, Doctor Cullen looks up from his clipboard. His face is emotionless, and I cannot tell for the life of me whether the news is good or bad.

He waits another second before delivering the news. "Everything seems to be healing at an above average rate." He says, finally breaking out a smile.

I want to whoop with joy, but I also don't want to damage my recovery, so I limit it to a big grin across my face. Doctor Cullen smiles and we start moving again, but this time towards muscle rehabilitation. It's a big room with floor length windows on one side and portable ballet bars that remind me painstakingly of my old dance studio. There are yoga mats and balls in one corner and even a sort of ladder configuration to climb on against one wall. While surveying the room, I see a familiar face.

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