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It's been weird with everyone lately. I'm not going to lie. It's been weird with Veronica because we have kissed and I'm not over Lorelei. It's weird with Indiana because he is getting married to Lorelei's best friend. It's weird with Alivia because she is Lorelei's best friend. It's weird with America because she freaking babysat Lorelei. The only person who really isn't in this whole relationship drama is Alaina. So I spend most of my time with Alaina.

However, due to this wedding nobody thought was going to happen I have to hang out with Indiana, Alivia, America, Veronica, and Lorelei. Since I am the best man after the ceremony I get to take pictures with the Bridesmaids. And Lorelei is THE Bridesmaid. Anyway this whole day has been special.

During the ceremony the Officiator was taking forever to get Alivia and Indiana married. I kind of zoned off and found myself looking at Lorelei. She was actually looking gorgeous tonight. The dress she was wearing seemed to be designed for her delicate body. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the light of the dimly lit flowers. She in all just looked gorgeous.

She caught my eyes in her luscious green ones. I smiled at her because for a split second it seemed like things were back to the way they were supposed to be. I was about to resume my cold hard face towards Lorelei when the strangest thing happened. Lorelei smiled back at me. It wasn't even a pity smile.

It was like she was actually happy to see me. I shoved the idea back into my brain. She's not happy to see me, she was probably being polite. I went back to being miserable in the presence of Lorelei. I was feeling bad for myself when we finally heard the words.

"Alivia do you take Indiana to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The Officiator asks.

"I do." She said confidently.

"And Indiana do you take Alivia to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He said with a strong smile.

I feel extremely happy for those two. They are so deep in love that it's like everyone else is faceless to them. Indiana is just beaming.

"You may now kiss the bride." The Officiator announces.

Indiana takes Alivia's face into his hands. Alivia tilts her face up and something in her hair sparkles. They look like they are from fairytales. Indiana dips her for a moment and then kisses her. For a moment it is soft and tender but then he kisses her more passionately.

Alivia runs her hands through his hair. I feel myself smile. Indiana got his happy ending with the girl of his dreams. It's bittersweet to be honest. I feel really bad about it even being a little bitter for me but I guess I had always thought that it would always be me and Lorelei together forever.

I find her eyes again and smile. She smiles back but this time it's more of a "Our two best friends just got married kind of smile". When they finally break apart everyone starts clapping. Me and Lorelei cheer for them.

Then we all leave to have a banquete. The chefs have gone all out I'm not going to lie. There are endless tables of food and drinks and wine. I spot Lorelei sipping a little bit. I decided to walk over to her because I'm done with it being awkward with her.

"Hey, is the wine any good?" I ask.

Lorelei looks at me.

"I would hope so, it would be such a waste for a wine to sit for two hundred years and not be good." Lorelei laughs.

"Wow I gotta get me some of that wine." I say intrigued.

She smiles.

"Hey waiter!" I call to a passing by waiter.

They stop and allow me to take a glass of wine. I rejoin Lorelei with the intent of making things right between us. I sip it slowly, not wanting to get drunk.

"This is really good." I tell her.

"What did I tell you. I am good at picking out wines." She smiles.

"Never should have doubted you." I smile.

She looks at me with a strange look on her face.

"Hey you haven't really touched your wine." I point out.

"Oh, yeah, this is going to sound really strange, or maybe not, but I actually got drunk yesterday and it sucked let me tell you so I'm trying not to get drunk right now." She laughed.

"Wow getting drunk before the wedding, classy Lorelei." I tell her sarcastically.

"Nah it wasn't classy, it was downright Boozy of me." Lorelei rolled her eyes.

"Are you a bad drunk?" I ask her.

"Kind of but not in the way you'd think. I get extremely weepy when I'm drunk apparently."

"Oh really."

"Yea according to Alivia I cried so much last night they thought I was shriveled. What about you?" Lorelei laughs.

"Well to be honest I really gotten drunk before." I try to explain.

"Really. Huh I never knew that Elijah." Lorelei tells me.

"Hey you guys, we are taking pictures soon." Alivia peaks into our conversation.

"Thanks Alivia." Lorelei tells her.

Lorelei smiles at me. I look at her teeth and realize she has wine red lipstick on her teeth.

"Hey Lorelei you might want to wipe your teeth on a napkin or something." I advise her in a low voice.

It takes Lorelei a minute to process but then she takes a napkin from a waiter and wipes her teeth until they are pearly white once again.

I start trying to stifle my laughter.

"What? What is it?" Lorelei asks confused.

"No it's just when you had your lipstick on your teeth, it might have been there for the whole ceremony."

"Are you serious?" Her eyes get wide.

"I'm not sure."

"Oh my stars this cannot be happening." She runs her hands through her long ringlets of jet black hair.

"You guys, it's time to take pictures." Alivia tells us.

"Pay no attention to my freak out why don't you." Lorelei mouths to Alivia.

Alivia wasn't looking. Lorelei flipped Alivia off.

"Come on Lorelei, give her a break, it's her wedding after all." I whisper to her.

"I'm not giving her a break. Life didn't give me one." She sighs as she drains her wine glass.

"Come on you alcoholic." I say as I start to drag her through people.

Lorelei rolls her eyes but I can tell she is trying to stifle laughter. I drag her to the clearing in the forest that Alivia told us to meet in. Alivia and Indiana already started taking pictures.

They were doing a loving pose whilst in each other's arms and pressing their foreheads together. He suddenly picks Alivia up in his arms. She lets out a delighted shriek and the photographer captures her worried delight.

"Oh hey guys." Indiana greets us as he sets Alivia down.

Alivia still has her shiny smile on her face.

"Come on it's your turns to take pictures with us." She smiles.

We run to join them.

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