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Oh I love Elijah to death. I am still laughing at his reaction though. I know, I know it's mean but he freaking turned around so I wouldn't see how flushed his face was.

Elijah had made up some excuse to go back into the infirmary. I decided to go for a walk in the woods. It's kind of strange doing things by myself for once. Like Elijah said he is really protective of me since I guess I do get injured a lot. I would just have to make sure I wasn't going to get myself hurt since I didn't have him to save me from myself.

Then I heard it. Moans of pain. I ran towards the sound searching frantically for the source. They got louder and I could hear the erratic breathing.

"Where are you?" I call out.

I get no response but a moan of pain. My eyes dart looking for the person. Then in the distance I see a figure slumped against a tree. I sprint. I sprint harder than I ever had before. I reach the figure and they weren't looking so hot.

It was one of the soldiers who were at our camp. I had seen him before but never really talked to him. I knew I could never even begin to lift him.

"I'll be back." I assured him.

The soldier didn't even open his eyes. He just cried out in a sharp pain. I ran even faster back to camp. All around me people are just chilling.

"I need two strong men!" I yell out to the group of people.

Everyone stops recreating and looks at me. Their eyes are just staring. I blush as I realize what they think I'm trying to do.

"I need them immediately." I beg the crowd.

Two in the front get up and walk over to me. I sigh in relief as we could get back to the wounded soldier.

"What do you need us to do sweetheart?" One asks.

"Follow me!" I yell to them.

I take off sprinting. I have never run this fast before. Due to one of my legs being metal I don't tire out as easily as other people. I see the wounded soldier in the distance. I look back to the two soldiers following me for their reaction to this. They both raise their eyebrows.

"I need you to carry him. I would but I'm not that strong." I tell them.

They don't hesitate for their fallen soldier. They pick him up and we are off. When we get back to the main camp we curve around tents set up all over. When we get to the infirmary we burst into the door making both Elijah and the Doctor jump.

"We have another sting or bite, whatever you want to call it." I tell them.

They quickly set up another cot and start to take care of the soldier. His moans grew silent and I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. Every once and a while Indiana starts screaming.

Elijah tends to him by sticking a needle into his bug bite. It looks like it hurts. It sounds like it hurts too. Whenever it happens Indiana lets out the loudest screams I have ever heard. Finally Elijah and the Doctor have a chance to breathe again because both the soldier and Indiana are sleeping.

"Lorelei, where did you find the soldier?" Elijah asks.

"How do you know I found him?" She asks me.

"Simple critical thinking. You had two people carry him. Which means you found him, couldn't carry him, and got two more people to carry him." Elijah tells me.

I'm impressed. I'm not going to lie. Elijah has a pretty big brain.

"What if I tagged along as they were carrying him to the infirmary?" I asked Elijah.

"You wouldn't you are too humble for that." He winks at me.

"Heavens Elijah I never knew you were smart" I laugh.

"One ouch and two there are many things you don't know about me and three you still haven't answered my question." Elijah tells me.

"I found him out in the woods near the water's edge."

Elijah thinks for a moment.

"Maybe it's a water bug biting them because that's where Indiana was when he found out he was bitten." Elijah contemplates.

I nod. That is highly unlikely but it's definitely a theory. I try and go through all the insects I know and try to match their symptoms to one bug. However I don't think an insect bite rots the skin of a human being.

"What are you thinking about Lore." Elijah says with his hand in his messy golden brown hair.

"I'm trying to think of what could have done this." I tell him.

"You just keep thinking Lore, I'm sure it'll come to you." Elijah kisses my head.

I stiffen. We haven't really gone and let anyone know we were dating again so it was weird for such open PDA. Elijah doesn't seem to notice I hesitate or maybe he does but doesn't let it show. Elijah gets up and checks on Indiana.

Indiana jerks around and it catches my attention. Elijah is trying to pin him down so he doesn't hurt himself when I catch his eye. He's awake. He doesn't seem to notice me there though. I watch him silently. He struggles against Elijah's rock hard grip. It's not much of a fight since Indiana is extremely weak right now.

He says something I can't make out.

"What?" Elijah asks in a calm voice.

Indiana curses and fights with another burst of energy. Elijah keeps him pinned.

"What?" He asks more forcefully.

"Reapers." He whispered.

"What?" Elijah asks in a deathly calm.

"Reapers! I was stung by Reapers!" Indiana bellowed.

"Indiana you were having a fever dream." Elijah said in his scary calm voice.

"No it wasn't a dream." Indiana whimpered.

"Then describe it to me."

In that moment I saw the same expression on Elijah's face that his mother often wore. I stop myself, I can't compare Elijah to his mother. That's not fair to him. We can't pick our heritage but we can pick our legacy.

"There were bodies, hanging on machines." Indiana's words tumbled out of his mouth.

Elijah doesn't believe him. I can see it on his face.

"What else." Elijah asks maintaining the same calm posterior.

"I-I don't remember." Indiana mumbles.

"It was a fever dream." Elijah tried to convince Indiana.

Indiana's flared in fury.

"It wasn't a fever dream!" He screamed.

He took his free leg and kicked Elijah.

"Lorelei come here and pin his legs down." Elijah yells at me.

I am shocked at hearing my own name. I quickly got over my shock and ran over to help Elijah keep Indiana down.

"Doctor Faed! Get in here and get us some ropes!" Elijah calls out to the doctor.

The doctor rushes around getting four ropes to tie Indiana down. He hands me the ropes.

"I'll hold him down and you tie." Elijah tells me.

I take all the rope and start tying all his limbs to the cot. When he was secure Elijah stopped holding Indiana's limbs down. I sighed today was a bit much for me. When I sat down Elijah came and laid his head on my shoulder.

"I'm so tired." He sighed against me.

"Then fall asleep Eli." I whisper into his ear.

Hearing this invitation Elijah promptly fell asleep against me. I laid my head against his and fell asleep. 

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