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Lorelei is sicker than I have ever seen her before. And not only her physical state. I couldn't believe she had been cutting again. And so many times as well. When I saw her bandages I knew she had been cutting but I was thinking one or two per arm but what I got wasn't just cutting, this was a suicide attempt. I didn't want to scream at her, I didn't know what to do. I know she was delusional right then but even then I could tell she was feeling guilty as I pulled away the bandages.

When I walked back into the room I had left Lorelei in she was covered in towels and she was asleep.

I pulled the towels off of her and picked her up. I put her in my bed while I went to go find clean sheets for her bed. I looked around the room and most everyone were in beds moaning. I feel really bad because I seem to be the only one not affected by it. When I went into the laundry room I dug through the clean sheets to find one for Lorelei.

"Elijah? Is that you?" A voice asks me.

I turn around and see Veronica, the girl I dated very briefly. I was kind of surprised to see her.

"Veronica?" I asked as I turned around.

"Yeah. Elijah what are you doing here?" She asked me.

"I'm getting clean sheets for Lorelei." I inform her.

"No I mean I thought you would have gotten sick but I guess even half DNA prevented it." She answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Only the Brights aren't getting sick. I thought you would have gotten sick since you are only half Bright but I guess not." She answered me.

"I need to take care of Lorelei." I grab my sheets and walk away.

I walked back through the large room and it was awful. Moans of pain filled the room and I begin to feel uncomfortable. I put Lorelei's sheets on her bed and went to grab Lorelei. I made sure she was comfortable before going to see the doctors. I walked up the stairwell and saw Indiana collapsed on the ground. Alarmed, I picked him up and carried him.

When I got to the door I pressed the call button until Alivia answered.

"Alivia answer me you trot!" I yelled at her.

"What do you want Elijah." She yawned.

"Open this door Alivia." I growled.

"No can do. I have a protocol to follow."

I kicked the door and it fell off the hinges.

"What in the worlds? Why would you kick the door. You realize you just infected yourself right?" She screamed at me.

"Alivia if you were paying attention to the outside you would realize that they were already infected." I barged in.

"What are you talking about Elijah?" She asked as I walked into the room.

I ignored her as I found a medical station in the labs.

"Is that Indiana?" Alivia was alarmed now.

"Yeah and he is on death's door now because of your carelessness." I scolded her.

She was almost crying now that she saw her husband. Indiana was groaning softly on the cot. Alivia ran out of the room and into another lab. I sat in a chair when Tori walked in.

She was the only one in the room that didn't look like she was dying.

"Elijah you shouldn't be here." She warned me.

"I'm immune and all of our people are dying out there so you need to make a cure." I inform her.

Tori's eyes get wide as she runs out of the room. Alivia come back with a syringe and quickly injects it into Indiana. Indiana immediately opens his eyes and stares at us.

His once grey eyes now looked almost like sleet black. It was a little weird to see him like that. Alivia walked over to him and hugged his shoulders tightly. Indiana stiffened at first and then welcomed the hug.

I noticed something was off about Indiana. Something about his eyes. They weren't focusing on one thing, they kept going from one thing to another.

"Indiana are you okay?" I asked him.

His eyes finally stopped moving. They focused in my general direction but not at me and that's how I knew.

"Alivia, Indiana is blind." I almost gasped at my own words.

"What do you mean he is blind?" Alivia asked me.

"I'll prove it." I assured her.

"Indiana where is Alivia?" I asked him.

Alivia moved out of the way a little and he pointed at the place she was originally. The place where he heard her voice last.

"Indiana are you blind?" Alivia asked almost in tears now.

Indiana nodded slightly.

"Hey Alivia, what did you inject Indiana with?" I asked her.

"The vaccine and look it worked." She pointed out.

Its true, looking at Indiana, he looks so much better right now than he had a few moments ago.

"I need a dose!" I quickly say to Alivia.

"I thought you didn't get the virus." Alivia questioned.

"Your right. I can't get the virus but you know who can. Your best friend and my girlfriend so I would like to save her now if I can." I ask politely.

"Right." Alivia smiles as she gets up from her seat.

I get up to follow her. She walks into a lab that is so messy I wonder how she can find anything.

"Sorry about the mess but I needed to work really hard these last few hours and I didn't have time to clean." She apologized.

I looked over the room. Under the clutter and all that I'm sure the lab would be really useful. In a designated corner there is no clutter but a machine that every minute or so drops a tiny droplet of liquid into a vial.

"That's the thing. However we do have a formula to have the vaccine it takes 12 hours to get a full dosage." She sighed.

"How many working machines do you have?" I asked her.

"Sage Faed and Tori have gotten 500 working machines and they are trying to get more but it is a slow process so it might not work out in our favor." Alivia sighed.

"That's good I guess." I try.

"Good? This is a disaster. We have an actual epidemic on our hands and we will only make 7,000 injections by the end of this week and most everyone will be dead by then." Alivia was almost in tears now.

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