Chapter 14

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I felt distracted from the busy world around me, bodies hurrying by, chattering endlessly. It had fallen away into a white noise, distant from me even though I was sitting in the midst of it all. My mind was preoccupied with the book in my hands, the scenes leaping off the page and playing like a film in my head.

I had hit a road block in my latest book a few days before, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to find my way around it. I tried all the tricks I had learned; starting from the end and working backwards. Thinking of what would be the most expected next occurrence and flipping it on its head. But nothing I did seemed to fit.

So, I decided to go with the one tactic that always seemed to work for me. When I couldn't quite figure out where to go next in my own project, I would read the work of someone else. Their flow, their interactions and dialogue was like a fool proof cure for my own mental constipation. That was where I now escaped to; the world created by another writer, enveloping myself completely. I had found the perfect little nook between sets on the sound stage, and had made it my own proverbial hide away.

Turning the page, I noticed a figure appear at my side. I glanced up, my lips turning upwards to find Hunter smiling down at me.

"Hiding away in the corner, are we?" he grinned, arms crossed over his chest.

"I've been struggling with my latest book, so figured it was time to get some inspiration from other people." I explained, glancing to the book in my hands.

"It is helping?"

I lost my smile. "Not really. So far, I've been more interesting in just reading than trying to channel inspiration back to my own book."

Hunter snickered, before taking a seat on the floor next to me. We were hidden from the general populace of the set, sitting side by side, our gaze turned outward. Neither of us said anything for a while, seemingly comfortable in observing everything around us. After a few moments, he broke the moment.

"What is your favorite book?" he asked, turning to me again.

My lips pursed in thought. "This is a hard question," I laughed. "Do you mean ever, or right now?"

"I guess ever?"

I considered my answer for a long moment.

"I'd have to say Wuthering Heights. The tragedy that was based solely in lack of admission, and how everyone ended up so unhappy in the end just because they couldn't say how they felt. I don't know why I love it so much because it can be pretty depressing, but I do. I read it every Christmas."

His eyes widened at my admission. "Every Christmas?"

Nodding, I smiled down to the book in my hands. "I just love sitting on the couch, snow falling outside, with a hot drink and the book in my hands. Some people have certain Christmas specials on TV they have to watch to make the holiday feel right. For me, it's reading that book."

Hunter considered my answer, before nodding. "I get that. I can't make it through a Christmas without watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It is the one Christmas movie that my holiday isn't complete without. It always reminds me of when I was a kid, sitting with my parents and my sister, all in matching PJs, watching it by tree light."

I pictured the scene he described, a soft smile coming to my face. "That sounds nice."

"It was," he admitted with a sigh, before looking to me again. "How about favorite movie?"

"You're giving me all the hard ones," I teased, leaning back against the wall behind me.

Hunter laughed lightly. "I figured they are easy. Everyone has a favorite something."

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