Hat Tip

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in all my years i've never met a teacher quite like you, 

so faithful and dedicated and true. 

i've engraved your most wonderful lessons 

at least a million times into my brain

so that the ink will stain my heart,

ensuring your kind words will never depart.

and so the little voice inside of me recites something like this each day:

1. "Never blink."

 People are vultures, always scavenging for one last meal. Searching for a weakness so that they may use it against you and bring a slow, painful death. Don't show vulnerability. Ever. They'll tear you apart piece by bloody piece.

2. "Emotions will let you down every single time."

Joy and fear. Guilt and shame. Love and hope. These are nothing but meaningless words, a lie told to the poor saps too weak to accept the truth. You are not weak. Do you understand me? You are not weak. You know the truth. 

3. "People are as stupid as you need them to be."

When you lie, lie big. Make it simple, yet honorable and enticing. No matter how hard they protest, claiming to be loyal to their silly morals, keep saying it and they'll eventually believe. After all, what value does the truth have when a lie is so much sweeter?

4. "Know that I am with you."

Right now you are but a helpless child and all you know is that people leave, even if they promised a thousand and one times they won't. But don't worry my reinita, I'm here. I'll always be here for you. In this fucked up world, you can depend on me. I'll be your constant. 

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