Author's Notes on Lupe and The God of the Turbulent Seas (Original First Draft)

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Illustrated by: Junette Laxamana Lacap

First, I would like to thank Junette for creating the amazing illustration for the book cover. I love collaborating with fellow artists.

I found out that writing novels involve insane amount of polishing and edits and rewrites; it only makes sense, a novelist has to learn his craft and improve writing his stories.

A writer also needs to undergo a humbling, yet very rewarding task or crucible (depending how big an ego the writer has) of asking and graciously accepting others' constructive criticism.

I truly believe that when it comes to writing stories, it is all about the creative process and summoning ones courage to take the initial steps; English is my second language and though I sometimes have trouble delivering a sentence here and there, I always tell myself that what is important is to give it the good old college try and learn from the experience.

It's in this spirit that I humbly present to you, dear readers my original first draft of Lupe and The God of the Turbulent Seas.

This rough draft consists of a prologue, thirty three chapters, epilogue and glossary; it's my intention to post two or three chapters every week, on Sundays or Mondays, starting June 3, 2019.

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my first draft. It'll help me with my rewrites.

I'm looking forward to connect with you all!

To contact me, please check out my Wattpad profile.

R.G. Gallardo

You can find me on Facebook:

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I'm also the founder of Filipino Educators of Tomorrow:

FET's main goal is to put a spotlight on imaginative and resourceful teachers and innovative school program that:

a. Encourages the love of reading and writing in Filipino and English language.

b. Promotes creativity and innovation.

 Promotes creativity and innovation

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Lupe and The God of the Turbulent Seas (Original First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now