Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

    Tiyo Keno was already standing outside the school's gate even before dismissal. It seemed to Aiken that his Anito Guardian was more excited to go to the mall than he was. Aiken, without even waving goodbye to Lupe, just bolted out the classroom as soon as the bell rang; he couldn't wait to get his hands on a cellphone. Aiken was bewildered by the fact that his classmates appeared to be completely attached to their gadgets as if cellphones were organic extensions of their bodies. His classmates seemed to be endlessly taking selfies or recording videos of themselves. If they weren't doing that, they were busy checking the recent updates on their social media or playing game apps, their eyes glued to their cellphones. Naturally it made Aiken very curious.

    "Let's go to the bank first, I need you to open an account." Tiyo Keno gestured in sign language.

    "Okay." Aiken responded with his hands.

    "Aiken, sandali!" Lupe called out. "I think you forgot this."

    Lupe handed Aiken his notebooks and pen.

    "Thanks, Penelope!" Aiken said, smacking himself on the forehead.

    "I wasn't sure if you were coming back but I saw that you already have your bag with you when you headed out and I thought to myself 'Aiken wouldn't be able to do his homework for the weekend if he forget these,' so I ran after you." Lupe launched in a long-winded explanation as if she needed justification for running after him.

    "You're a lifesaver." Aiken said, truly grateful. "By the way, I'd like you to meet my uncle, Tiyo Keno." He said to Lupe while doing sign language in keeping up with the deception that his uncle is deaf.

    "Hello, po!" Lupe made a small bow while Aiken and Tiyo Keno exchanged hand gestures.

    "He says that you are very nice." Aiken explained to Lupe awkwardly.

    "Ay! Thank you, po." Lupe smiled toward Tiyo Keno, her face red. "I need to go back, I still need to clear my table." Lupe said turning to Aiken. "Sige, po, mauna na po ako. I have to go." She said once more turning to Tiyo Keno.

    "Mabait sya. She's so thoughtful and kind." Tiyo Keno send his thoughts out to Aiken while they look after Lupe walking back inside the campus.

    Images of Lupe's long hair and smile were still running in Aiken's head when Tiyo Keno elbowed his shoulder. "So, are we gonna go to the mall or what?" Tiyo Keno said gesturing with his hands.

    Aiken's Anito Guardian led him a little ways to a white, well-kept, vintage Mercedez Benz luxury sedan.

    "The AC still runs." Tiyo Keno said into Aiken's mind without preamble, beaming proudly at the car.

Lupe and The God of the Turbulent Seas (Original First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now