The Beginning

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♤Okay, so this is Will Byers x reader fan fiction! And their is no love triangle at all! Your character has shoulder length brown hair, and it is sort of curly but not majorly curly. You also have hazel eyes, and you are Dustin's twin. This starts before season one starts, so you all are 11.... cause in season 1 their all 12. So, ya Enjoy!♤

-Your pov-

"YN! Have you seen my X-Men comics?" Dustin yells from his room.

I sigh and roll off my bed, and walk to his room. I lean against his doorway and scan his room with my eyes.

"Their on your table next to Yertle." I say.

He turns around and grabs them off the table. "Thanks YN! You ready to go?" He asks.

I frown. "Go where?"

"To . . . You know, school." He says waving his hand in the air.

My eyes widen and I sprint back to my room yelling. "Shit shit shit shit shit!"

I grab my bag, and my shoes. I sling my bag over my shoulder and start trying to put my shoes on.

Let's just say I totally didn't face plant.

~Time skip~

"Is it obvious that I fell on my face?" I ask Dustin as we ride our bikes to school.

Dustin looks at me and shakes his head. "Not really, just looks like your blushing with one cheek."

"Shit." I say.

"Hey YN! Dustin!"

We stop and I look over my shoulder. I smile, and my face slightly heats up as he ride up next to us on his bike.

Will Byers.

One of the sweetest boys in all of Hawkins. And defiantly the cutest...
Don't tell him I said that though.

Will has been my friend since Dusitn introduced me to him and the gang. We automatically connected and always had fun together. And a life without him. . . I don't think it could ever exist.

And in case you didn't know, I have a huge crush on him. And I've had it since the day we met. And it has not dimmed or lessened since that day. In fact, I think that it has only shined brighter and grown bigger since then.

"Hey guys. Are we on for the arcade later today still?" Will asks.

I look at Dustin and he nods. "Yep." We say in sync, while popping at the p.

Will smiles and nods.

"Last one to school has to pay for the first five games played!" I say as I start peddling off.

"Hey! That's not fair! You didn't say go!" My twin yells.

I laugh and look over my shoulder, and see Will catching up on me. And Dustin farther behind us.

I smile at Will and he returns one that brings heat to my cheeks.

"Hey YN?" Will asks.

I blink out of my dase and nod. "Ya Will?"

"You uh, yo-you look nice today." He stutters.

My blush spreads and I smile shyly. "Th-thanks. You look n-nice too Will." I say.

He smiles and we turn our heads to look ahead. I wave at Mike who was getting on his bike.

"Hey yo Mikey!" I yell.

SAVE me WILL {Will Byers x reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora