The way it was ment to be

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- Your pov-

"Grab her hand and pull her up!" Dustin yells a Mike and Lucas.

And I still don't know who the guy with the crazy hair is. Or who the girl is.

Mike and Lucas grab my arms and pull me out of the small hole into the tunnel.

But I sadly face plant into the dirt.

"Thanks for that." I say as dust and dirt fly up into my face.

I slowly start to stand, when someone helps me up. I turn to see the girl helping me, while Mike and Lucas helped Dustin out.

"Hi, I'm Max." She holds out her hand to shake.

I smile and shake her hand. "YN, Dustin's twin sister."

She raises her eye brows and smiles. "You guys don't look alike."

We let go and I shrug and turn to watch them struggle with Dustin.

"That might be because I've been stuck in the Dark World for three years. I haven't see the damn sun in that long either. What time is it?" I ask.

She shrugs, and sniggers with me as Dustin face plants.

"It's 12:25." Mike answers.

The crazy hair guy climbs out and I hug Mike.

"Missed you Mikey." I whisper before we part.

He smiles and ruffles my hair.

"Missed you too YN."

I turn to Lucas and we hug.

"I can't believe that your alive. We thought you were dead for three years ." He says.

I nod. "Ya, I know. Will told me."

Lucas frowns. "Wait, what. Will told you we thought you were dead?"

I nod and start walking away from the hole.

"Ya, he told me of the funeral. How Troy cried, god I'm sad I missed that. But then when Joyce and Hopper came I told them to leave me, cause the Shadow Monster was keeping me there. So then they left, and I've been stuck with Shadow for a year. And I know that cause then I saw Will a day or two before Halloween. So ya, I've been gone three years. And I know that I've had a funeral." I say.

I help Max get up and out of the hole. While the crazy haired guy got out.

"Wait. Joyce and Hopper left you?" Dustin asks.

I nod and smile. "Ya, and you have teeth!"

He smiles, and growls and my face goes blank.

"Don't do that Dusty."

I see Max and Mike nodding with me, while Lucas just opens his mouth. And started to talk.

"So, what. Your saying they left you there, and then Will saw you, and didn't tell us that detail of you being alive?!"

I shrug. "I don't know. I've been in the Dark World, do you expect me to know everything that happens here?" I ask.

He opens his mouth again, before Max drags him to car.

"I'm driving. Not you." The Crazy haired guy says.

I frown. "Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Steve, and your Dustin's Sister?" He asks.

I nod. "Nice to meet you Steve. I'm guessing you've been looking after my bro and his friends?"

Steve nods. "Yea, I guess you can say that."

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