I will always be there, even if you can't see me

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- Will pov-

Its been a year since I was last in the upside down. I know because every day I hear Mike on the radio trying to contact Eleven. But I never say anything.

And it's been a year since I last imagined that YN was alive. I had told the doctor that I visit, and asked him why I couldn't see her anymore.

He said, 'It might be because you aren't under pressure, or because I don't have to worry about the monster anymore.'

But I'm not sure anymore. Ever time that I bring it up around my Mom, she stutters and changes the conversation.

And now, I start seeing the Upside down. It happens randomly, for no reason.

"Will honey! Are you ready to go?!" Mom shouts.

I get up from my desk and shut book of drawings.

"Ya, I'm coming!" I shout.

I stand up and grab my jacket from the back of the chair. I glance up at my wall above the desk and see the drawing of YN that I drew.

It was a drawing of her slightly crouching down, like she was ready to fight someone, or the Demogorgon. She had her right hand up, and lit on fire. Her left wrist was showing off her 005 tattoo. Her hair dark and flowing over her shoulders.

I sigh, and walk away.

-Your pov-

"Fuck off asshole!!" I scream at the Shadow monster.

It screeches, or roars lowly and moves it's claw hand at me.

I immediately set myself on fire and glare at it.

But it doesn't back down, like usual.

~Story time!!~

After spending a few months in the Dark World, and spending some quality time with the Shadow Monster. The Shadow monster slowly became immune to my fire. Well the heat of my fire at least.

I close my eyes, concentrating on making the fire hotter and hotter.

But when I open my eyes, I see the shadow monsters claw right in front of me. And I lost concentration.

"AAHHH!" I scream as I get hit and thrown back.

I felt time pass by slowly, and I open my eyes.

Red cloud with red lightning highlights the shape of the Shadow Monster. It was watching me, as I was falling back down to the earth.

I would live, and survive the fall. I would possibly have a few broken bones depending on where I land, but  I would live.

And my back hits the ground with a loud this. I hear the sound of glass breaking, and groan in pain.

'Damn it. I landed on a car, of course I would.'

I take in a deep breath, and close my eyes. The sudden feeling of drowsiness taking over me, and guiding me to sleep.

- Will pov-

"Hey guys are you seeing,' I turn around and see no one there. 'This."

I take a shaky breath in, inhailing the familiar toxic air of the Upside down.

I turn back around as the door flys open. I jump back slightly, before walking out of the arcade. I look up as lightning flashes in the distance, and I see a large shadowy figure.

I take a few steps forward, entranced by it slightly. Then I see a familiar black shirt and pants, and my eyes widen.

I take a step forward, and my vision focuses on YN's limp figure. Her left arm laying next to her head, and her right laying on her stomach. Her legs spread slightly, and her head turned to her right.

"YN?" I call out.

I wall forward till I'm half way to the car that she was laying on.

"YN!" I yell.

I see her turn her head, and I managed to hear her say my name.

"Will?" She croaks out.

I feel hope building up side me, only to feel a hand on my shoulder and pull me back to reality.

A reality where YN isn't alive. Where YN has been gone, dead for two years.


I look over my shoulder and see Mike staring at me.

"You okay?" He asks.

I turn back to the car, and see YN gone,  and the Shadow and the storm gone.

"Ya, ya I'm fine." I say, feeling the sadness raining on my happiness.

I turn around and Mike puts his arm over my shoulder, leading me back inside.

"Come on, we're going to get our high scores back." He says.

- Your pov-


"Will?" I say.

I open my eyes and see Will walking towards me. I blink a few times as he smiles at me, and walks to me. But then he disappears.

I blink again and frown. Before I sigh and put my head back against the broken windshield.

"Great. I'm finally going insane." I groan.

-Joyce pov-

I feel my nerves go up in flames and I immediately get up and walk to the phone. I put in his number and wait as it rings.


"Hey Hop." I say.

"Joyce? Why the hell are you calling me?" He asks.

I sniff and rub my runny nose. "I cant stop thinking about it Hop."


"We left her Hop! We need to get her back!"
I hear him sigh on the other end of the line.

"Joyce, you know I would if I could but they won't let me. Joyce, I hate to say it. But, I don't think we could have done anything. You remember what happened, she was stuck in mid air, and I don't think that, that was her powers Joyce. I think something got her, and she knew that it would get us and Will too." Hopper says.

I nod and wipe my tears. "I just- I'm sorry to bother you hop. I just went in Wills room and saw his drawing of her, and I can't- I can't help but think that he loved her. And now she's gone because we couldn't help her. An-and he believes that she was all in his imagination. Tha-that she wasn't with him when he was in the Upside down."

"Joyce. Calm down. I know. I know alright, but the kid doesn't need to know alright. He can't find out... Listen Joyce, I gotta go. I'll see ya tomorrow alright?"

I nod. "Yes, tomorrow. Good bye Hop."

"Good bye Joyce."

-Your pov-

"Okay, okay. One . . . Two . . .three! Ahhh!" I scream as I sit up.

I hear a few shards of glass fall off my back and hit the car with a small, 'tink'.

I bit my lip to muffle the sound of my pained whimpers. My feet hit the ground, and I stand up and mentally cheer.

'Good news! Nothing broken! Bad news! I have glass in my back, and I can't get it.'

I sigh, and walk slowly back to Will's. The place in the Dark World, that I call home.

♤Yaaay! Season two is starting in the book! Tell me what your thoughts of this chapter are in the comments, and when do you think YN should finally leave the upside down?

Later ya DemoDogs.

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