Chapter Nineteen

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My latest victim bellowed in a great show of rage, and I smirked a little at the sound. Tarzan held up his fist, and I bumped it with my own. One by one, students heads were popping up from their textbooks to see what the sound was all about, some of them casting us suspicious looks. My long-haired friend snickered while our footsteps went a little faster. 

North was pissed, and I could hardly contain my glee. Man, I wished Sang and Asher were here to see that prank, they would have thrown a fit. Sang would've laughed her cute little butt off, while Asher would've given me some sort of scolding, but what could I say? 

North insinuating that my little Shorty was a whore provoked the satanic behavior in me, so it couldn't be helped. What he got was well deserved. 

The day was just about over, so the students who didn't participate in evening classes were rushing to their dorms like biting fire was at their heels. I didn't blame them. I was in just as much of a hurry as them, and not only because I had a bellowing freak somewhere out there looking for me, but also because I was ready to play that video game that just came in the mail. 

Tarzan chuckled. "That was priceless, dude."

"Hell yeah, it was," I responded with a grin. Just as we got to my car, North and Silas came rushing into the parking lot, both breathing heavily and faces red. The only difference between the two was that North had a shit ton of pink and blue sparkles decorating his face.

"Logan!" North bellowed once he spotted me rushing into my car. I made sure to lock it once Tarzan and I were inside because I had no idea what the giant asshole planned on doing to me in retaliation. When they were close, but not too close, I rolled down the window and started backing out of my parking spot. I snickered at his twisted features and said, "Sorry, bro. Initiation and all that."

He narrowed his eyes and asked, "And how come Si didn't get the same thing?"

I shrugged but didn't hide my grin. "We took a vote, and as it turns out, your assholery shined a whole lot brighter than his. Ta-ta, prick!" I made sure to wiggle my fingers in a girly-as-fuck gesture before speeding out of the parking lot, laughing gleefully the whole way.

I lied. We didn't take a vote. After Asher came into my room to inform me that him and Sang were taking off for a few days, he also made sure to update me on how their little dinner went. When I figured out what North had said, well, I couldn't let it go unpunished. What I really wanted to do was punch my fist straight through his scowling face, but I needed to do something that would disguise itself as a prank, yet still piss him off. I couldn't have good ole' Daddio finding more reasons to bench me. 

So, I recruited Lydia and Tarzan's help. I didn't know what it was about the little asian, but she was smart as hell. With her brainy logistics and evil mastery, she was able to make some sort of sparkly dildo bomb. When I had Cindy—or was it Carly?—deliver it to North in the courtyard, it literally rained dildos and sparkles everywhere. But that wasn't even the best part. Somehow, Lydia made sure to put something in the bomb so one of the plastic pleasure sticks would hit North in the forehead, and stick there!  

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