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Adsila: (Meaning: Blossom)

I stand next to the shaman , feeling fearful of him, what is he going to do? Kalona of the silver wings is below us on a large slab of rock, his moon colored wings are drawn to his muscular tanned back. Long, dark hair hangs freely over his face. "Shaman, enough! I have endured too many miseries  today. I do not need your unending song added to them." he looks up "Why have you brought a child here?" Kalona asks, wrinkles appear in between his perfectly sculpted brows. "I do only as my dream commands." my shaman says, his head held high. "About that dream, you could have told me that-" my shaman cuts Kalona of the silver wings off by chanting:

What I do, I do for two

One for her

And one for you

Take this maid

Her blood runs true

Sacrifice for two

One for her

And one for you.

I see a woman, long black hair hands down to her waist, her eyes are attached to mine.

Balance hold

New and old

Scale of two

One for her

And one for you!

With that, my shaman lifts his arm, a large, obsidian blade in his hand. I see him swing, I gasp, falling to the ground and clutching my throat. Blood covers my hands. I try to scream, but all that comes out is a loud gurgling sound. Next thing I know, he shaman is next to me, clutching his chest and crying out in pain. I try to gasp, but everything goes black.

I awaken, feeling something pouring into my throat. I swallow the best to my abilities. "Blood of my blood, you shall ever after be. Take drink. From this night forth your new lie is my decree" I keep my eyes closed, I lap my tongue across the substance  oozing into my mouth. "For my daughter, this creation of mine, I give the gift of Night Divine" I feel slight pressure on my lips, something rushes into my body like cold wind.

The pressure on my lips is replaced on my forehead "With this Mark tattoo, your life begins anew." Pain rushes through my head. "I open my eyes once the pain is gone, seeing a beautiful woman and a handsome man in front of me. "Great goddess of the night, tell me your name so that I may worship you." I find myself saying.

"You may call me Nyx."  the woman whispers, a small smile forming in the corners of her mouth. "Ah, so, it is as I thought," another woman suddenly materializes out of thin air, hundreds of trilling dryads that are at her feet fall silent. The woman shakes her head silently. "The test has been tainted. Kalona must fail" she whispers, just as another male drops from the sky, carrying a woven basket. He is smiling, but soon it disappears once he has taken in the scene before him.

"I felt the test begin. I hurried to join you," The golden haired man states, looking a little out of place in this somber situation. "Daughter, sleep, and when you awaken you will forget the terror of your creation and remember only love, always love," Goddess Nyx whispers, brushing her hand across my eyes, causing me to fall into a pit of darkness.

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