
I awaken with a start, feeling queasy. I hate when those amber eyes pierce my dreams. I open my eyes, looking over at the five cats next to me. I remember when they were just little kittens. I smile, standing from my place in the moss. I close my eyes a little, smiling when they run to me, rubbing against my legs. The big orange and white cats purr and meow, asking me for food. I giggle, walking down to the large beach front of the lake near my forest.

I had decided that after the first house of night had been built, I would leave on my own. I walk to the waters, taking my time to undress. I slip into the waters, alone. "I call the element water to me, please help me feed and strengthen my familiars so that they may stay with me throughout my days." I whisper, closing my eyes and feeling the element rush to and from my body.

I gasp quite loudly when the gigantic fish swims right in between my legs. I've never seen a fish so big before, even in this lake. I gasp, watching as it swims right up onto the shore and flaps it's large body. It's scales a deep green and it's belly a soft salmon. I gasp, watching as it tries to get back into the water with to success. I quickly go to it, lifting it by the gills and grabbing my bear pelt and running into the woods. I'll come back for my clothing.

I prefer to live by the old ways, I have never felt accustomed to living like the others.I don't like what everyone else is doing. The 'cell phones' are just not what I like, I miss the old ways, when we would actually go and visit each other.

I sigh, smiling a little as my cats run after me. I drop into the mossy pit. My home is a large mossy pit, surrounded by large tree roots made to form into a circle. In the middle of the circle I have dug a hole to use as a fire pit. I love my home, it's perfectly fine. It's so quiet around it, sometimes, I will have a deer or two come to visit me. 

"Fire, come o me and help me cook this fish for my food, therefore I shall repay you with my loyalty" I whisper, feeling my hands heat up. I open my eyes, watching my fire pit catch aflame. I smile happily, running my fingers through my hair, I Pierce the flesh of the large salmon in my hands. Feeling it's spirit leave through the wound in it's skin. I sigh whispering a soft thank you to my great goddess, the one I met when I was first made.

I am aware that I am the first of the vampyres, I am aware that I wield all of the powers associated with the goddess. I am also aware that I am the oldest of my kind, though I am confused as to how my five cats have lived for over hundreds of years. I tuck a strand of raven colored hair behind my sun kissed ear. Smiling, I press one salmon colored scale to my lips, whispering a small thanks to the goddess again. I take every scale off of the skin and then spear the skin on a stick.

As I wait for the meat to cook, I play with my cats and go back for my clothing. I pull on the leather dress and make my way back to my camp, just in time to see the large shadow in the tree above my camp. I narrow my eyes, making a small prayer for spirit to mask my scent and let the shadow consume me. I make my way up the tree, seeing a large bird-human hybrid, that I have come to know as raven mockers. 

Anger builds with in me. I throw myself at him, knowing all raven mockers are male, also knowing they never travel alone. We fall from the ledge in battle. He allows himself, to fall freely, not letting his wings out to save him. "Brothersssss" he hisses. Next thing I know, there are two other raven mockers, I'm ripped from the one's back and tossed to the ground like a rag doll. I scream as one of them tackles me.

"Leave demons!" I scream, as I throw spirit at them. They fly back, hitting the tree. Their wings are bound by the glowing purple mist. They an only move their arms and legs, therefore they cannot escape. I take a couple deep breaths as I walk towards them. "Who are you?" I ask, getting angrier by the second.

"I am Nisroc, and these are my brothersssss" The one I tackled hisses. "I need their names" I growl, grabbing my sharp obsidian blade. "They do not have any. They were not named. Only the strongest were named, only the oldest, ones born first, most pure" Nisroc hisses out. "You are not pure" I hiss back, pressing the blade into his wing, causing him to howl in pain.

"Who sent you?" I hiss, already knowing who sent them. They are the children of my people. "Father sent usssssss" Nisroc hisses. "Why are you only answering?" I growl. "Only I can sssspeak" he whispers, his crimson eyes closing in pain. "Who is father?" I ask, again, knowing the answer, but wanting to hear it for myself.

"Father issss Kalona" he growls trying to wrench himself free of my magick. "Stop it!" I screech slashing his chest open with my knife. The raven mocker cries out in pain, struggling against his bounds, his hands claw at my tattooed shoulders. "Leave this place! Or I will end your lives if I ever see you on my territory again" I hiss, flicking my wrist as if to say goodbye.

The purple mist binding their wings dissipates so that they may leave. All three of them fly away quickly, leaving me to my burnt meal.

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