I stand alone in the large woods, four of my cats playing at my feet, one other sniffing at the roots of the grass. "What do you think? Do you think we should help...or stay out of it like last time?" I ask, rubbing Ayala's ears, She was the only female out of the kittens. She purrs, rubbing softly against my hand. "So? What is it?" I ask, looking up to see the other four standing at the edge of the trees. I sigh, "I guess we're going Ayala" I mumble, lifting the cat up and walking towards the others.

I walk, having spirit mask me and my cats from the human's. I've heard human's have been doing horrible things to the vampyres, two professor's had been beheaded at the Tulsa House Of Night, and that is exactly where I am headed. The young queen probably needs help with all of the fledglings to take care of.


I stand before the Tulsa home, my cats have ran off to chase something. I keep getting this eerie feeling, like something bad is going to happen. I shake it off, walking deeper into the barrier. I stop, seeing a woman. Her long silver-blonde hair hangs almost waist length, like mine. She is petting a large, dark horse, whispering soothing words into it's ear.

"You there" I call out, making my way towards her. The woman turns to me, her eyes narrowed in confusion. She blinks slightly, then stops petting the horse to walk over to me. "Yes?" She asks, a perfect blonde brow raising. "Who are you? Are you a professor here?" I ask, staring straight into her hazel colored eyes.

"Yes I am, I am professor Lenobia...and who are you?" She asks, frowning. "I am Adsila-Blossom. I need to speak with the high priestess" I say whilst examining her mark tattoos, they are nothing like mine, sapphire horses dance across her pale skin, frolicking. "And why is this?" She asks, herb stance turning defensive. "Danger" I say, narrowing my eyes at her. Does she not know who I am? 

Lenobia- Horse Mistress, leads me into the school, many fledglings stare and gawk at my tattoos, though, mine do not look as normal as others, I am not something to be stared at. I narrow my eyes at them, but keep following Lenobia. "She's in there" Lenobia says pointing to a large door. I nod to her, and she leaves.

I knock on the wood, waiting for a response. Instead, the door opens, revealing a tall, red haired woman. Cold rushes over me, I feel drained of all energy. "Yes?" She asks, taking note of my tattoos. "I am Adsila, vampyre, I must speak to the high priestess" I say as calmly as I can. "I am Neferet, high priestess" the woman, Neferet narrows her poison green eyes.

I raise my head to her, staring right into her eyes. "I need to speak with you, alone" I say. Neferet frowns at me, but steps to the side for me to go in. A large bed is pushed against the wall, large vanity mirror is to me right and a desk in front of me. "What is it you need to speak to me about?" Neferet turns to me, studying my every move.

"I feel darkness with in this school, Raven mockers-demons-were watching me at my home last night." I tell her, watching her take a seat on the bed. "Well...Adsila, I believe you are mistaken, they could have been just regular crows, or ravens. The only darkness here is that Zoey Redbird girl everyone calls queen" Neferet hisses, her eyes closing in disgust.

"Zoey Redbird?" I ask, knowing I've heard the name before. "Yes, she's the fledgling with almost all of her tattoos finished, surely you've heard of her, she killed her own consort." Neferet all but screams. My eyes widen, who would kill they're consort, lover even. "Why would she do that?" I ask, feeling slightly light-headed at the thought of killing one of my own.

"I suppose she didn't want anything to do with him anymore. I wouldn't have either, a lousy excuse for a consort in my opinion" The high priestess shrugs slightly, standing from her place on the bed she says. "If you truly want to banish the evil from this school, you could help me by getting rid of Zoey and her group of followers..."

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