Chapter 1: The man in the train station

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A tall man in a long white coat walked over to a stainless steal table. The table was covered in Petra dishes and had several test tubes throwen around it. Another man sat in the corner of this large lab. His hair and eyes were wild and he look scared for his life. " Bitte Herr, rette mich aus dieser Finsternis" said the man in the corner.

"Speak English here Dimitri, its not Germany...And this is not darkness so save your lords prayers for church." Said the tall man.

" No this is darkness you are working with here! This is not why I came to Russia! I came here to live through my ancestors culture and resume there work!" Said Dimitri.

The tall man stopped and turned to him and said " This is right! Your Ancestors would want this!"  

"VLADAMIR! Please!! Put down the tubes stop please! Bitte Herr, rette mich aus dieser Finsternis! Machen Sie ihm halt Gott! Machen Sie ihn stoppen! bitte!!" Dimitri cried as his face turrend red.  


Dimitri Metchnikoff stood in the near back of a long line. The line all led up to a small booth that said "Karte" or "Tickets" in English. Dimitri Metchnikoff was around the age of 20 and he had brownish auburn hair. He had lived in Germany all his life and was born there but by his name anyone could tell his parents were Russian. He waited in line at the train station content with himself. He knew why he had to go to Russia and he knew he HAD to go to Russia. You see his ancestors were a great line of scientists and now that he is older he has realized what he needs to do as a young scientist. He looked up from examining his passport and saw a tall man across the train station. He had a beard and a big cigarette in his mouth. He just stood there and Dimitri was very intrigued by this man, so intrigued he stood there and stared at him.

Dimitri was so overtaken by the sight of this man he was frightened so he forced himself to draw his attention back to his passport. When he looked up he saw the man was gone and he was next in line. "One ticket to Moscow Russia please" He said.

 "Sorry sold out" The old man yelled behind the counter.

"S-Sold out?" Dimitri said. The next thing he knew the salesman and the people behind him forced him out of the way as he stood there confused and almost about to fall over. Dimitri was poor and in this season in Germany tickets were cheap...And as cheap as they were going to get because the price of coal had flown through the roof. After today tickets would never be in Dimitri's price range until he was about 102...If he lives that far.

He started to walk back out of the train station when he smelt a strong sent of smoke coming towards him. He turned around and there was the tall man from before puffing at his cigarette. " I know how to get you to Russia." Said the man. " My name is Rasputin Gorrdof and I am a uh- conductor and I am here to take the poor to Russia."

Dimitri stood in confusion. " I really need to go to Russia but I do not trust you... Thanks but no thanks pig..." Dimitri scorned the man because he felt as if it was a scam and he could not lose any of the money he had. He started to walk away and the felt bad and turned around Dimitri said" Look I did not mean to call you a pig I just--" Dimitri fell to the ground as the Rasputin hit him over the head with a metal wheel.

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