Chapter 3: A long walk....A little to long for Dimitri

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The rails of the track would end soon and they would simply fall to there death. Dmitri started to grow an idea in his mind and he started to push and pull on the hip high breaker bar. He pushed...Until it snapped clean off. "Nice going" said Vlad "Instead of dooming our ass's more why don't you give me a hand with this!" He gestured to the metal chain on the floor. The two men went on the outside of the train and threw the chain down so It caught right on to the rails. There was only about 50 feet of track left and as the chain was slowing down the train just as he thought it would but the train was moving way to fast. They needed to cut the cart free. They both went over and pushed and pulled on the cart line. It had no sign of budging though. Dimitri looked ahead and saw there was an alternate track route they just had to find the switch out side by the rail. 

"Look for the rail switch outside!" Dimitri said.

"And then what!! We can't jump off the train!" Vlad said

Dimitri looked around the train and tried to think. He thought about being in Germany and in his mind the train slowed down. He thought about the winter and walking through the market place as the twirls of Cinnamon reached his nose. He thought about all the people sledding and all the cheers of children on Christmas. He remembered the year when he sneaked into the Arena for Javelin during the Winter Olympics held in Germany that year. And -- wait that's it. Dimitri came back to reality. "I got it!!"

Dimitri dug through the boxes of cargo. "Keep watch out the window and let me know when the switch is up ahead! I have a plan"

"Yeah because all of your other plans have really worked the 30 minutes you have been awake and making them..." Vlad said sarcastically.

Dmitri finally found a big red rubber ball in one of the boxes in the train. He climbed on the outside of the train trying to not drop the ball and not drop himself. As they came up the the track switch Dmitri took a deep breath and threw the ball as hard as he could to try to flip the switch. 

The ball bounced up against the switch but the switch did not move. The ball the bounced back and hit the train and ricocheted back towards the switch with even more force.


Cheers flew out of Dimitri's mouth as the train switched paths and then had enough track to coast to a stop and Dimitri and Vlad jumped out into the cold fresh snow.

"Well I really should say thank you. So thanks... But now we have work to do so walk." Vlad said

"How do you know so much about my family?" Dimitri asked.

"Please do not start asking questions....We are here to work not be best friends." Vlad said strictly 

Dimitri craved to know though. Since he has not known much of his family anything he knew would be golden information. Vlad started to talk about science and bleck but Dimitri did not care for that right now. He wanted to know what his family was not just what everybody could know about them from a chemistry textbook.

"Well we should stop and get food somewhere first. We will bring it back to the lab and set up there. Get any other supplies we need." said Vlad

When they got to the market Vlad told Dimitri to wait in a very certain spot because Vlad knew someone who he could not mention the name of that can give them what they needed. Dimitri tried to stay put but he walked over to one of the shack markets and saw a small brown notebook for writing events or anything really. Dimitri was drawn to it for some reason so he picked it up and felt its smooth leather surface.

"How much." Dimitri asked the elder lady

The lady looked into Dimitri's brown warm eyes and he looked into her old blue ones. He could see so much from those old ladies eyes that where an clear blue. " Take it " said the old lady.

"Really? how kind of you. Thank you!" Dimitri said as he started to slide it into his pocket.

The old lady smiled and reached under the desk and found a pen. She handed it to Dimitri and then said "There are two things that create madness. Power and Pain. But there's only one thing that can cause insanity is not caring about what you care about." 

Dimitri took the pen and gave the lady no smile. Dimitri was scared of this woman now. "What did ant of that mean. Insanity? I- I have never felt insane in my life. Crazy old woman shes the one whos insane" Thought Dimitri.

He walked back to where Vlad told him to be and he sat down in the snow and began to write in his journal. He wrote and wrote until Vlad got back and he slipped the notebook and pen in his pocket quickly. The two men began to walk again through the snow. They walked and walked till Dimitri's eyes started to daze it was starting to darken outside and they where in the middle of the woods with food and supplies that could only last them a few days. There was the last bit of sun rolling off the side of the earth when Vlad stopped "Well here we are" said Vlad with a smile.

Dimitri however did not smile.

Dimitri began to cuss and scream and Vlad just stood there and chuckled.

"YOU ARE CRAZY COMPLETELY INSANE! YOU DRUG ME ALL THE WAY HERE SO WE CAN BOTH DIE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WOODS!" Dimitri went on and on and on. While Vlad walked over to a tree and started to pat his hand around it as if he was looking for something. 


10 minutes later 


10 minutes later


"Are you done now..." said Vlad as he opened a small door on a tree and pulled down on a rope and when he did a door way opened up in the ground. They men went in Dimitri not saying a word feeling embarrassed about the heavy rant he went on. They walked around for Dimitri to see that It really was his families lab. Realizing that he did now have to stay there in Russia because he was a man of his word. Although he did have to stay there with the man he just cursed out. Well you know one of those to men slept well over night.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2012 ⏰

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