Packing Buddy Part II

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We're actually in front of there house now. And they have two initials on their gate. The lette and the letter P its like an acronym for a phone. C is for Cell and P is for Phone. I smiled with humor in my eyes.


The door opened with a white girl in an apron and holding a spatula. She must be the mother ?

"Oh hi there" My grandma smiled.

"Hi there to you too" She smiled back.

"You have a lovely house ma'am" I chirped.

"Oh no no but thank you, this is not ours this is my owner's house" She said. "I'm Lucy by the way"

"I'm Julie but you can call me Jules" My grandma said extending her arms for tem to shake. She gladly accepted it.

"Why don't you come in, yeah ?"

"We would love to." My grandma smiled. They got a thing for smiling now ?

We entered the house and I was fascinated. Cream colored ceiling with a touch blue green. It was breathtaking.

"Would you like somthing to drink?" Lucy asked.

"Oh yes please if you don't mind. we'll have some water Lucy"

"Oh sure that won't be a problem at all Jules"

"Where is your employee?"

"They're out on a trip for their company"

"Mhhhhhm. I see"

"But their daughter is upstairs, do you want to meet her ?" She smiled.

"Oh sure sweetie, I want her to meet my grandson Luke" She glanced at me. "And oh we brought you custard pie"

I stood up and gave it to her. "Thank you Luke" She gradually accepted the pie and placed it on the counter. I smelled fries and burger being cooked.

"Just wait I'll call her, yeah?" She smiled and went upstairs.

"Ok" I smile and waited.



I'll be gone for a while :3

But comment if you want more. If not I'll stop doing this and continue reading other books.

I was just inspired to make a ove story thanks to John Green.

So Vote & Comment for more ! *insert peace sign*


Hi Stranger.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora