Chapter Six ♡

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Hello, my loves!
I first want to thank you all so much for your wonderful feedback! Thank you so much for voting, commenting and reading my story!
You have no idea how much it motivated me to write more! I love you guys
And for that, I wrote a really long chapter I hope you enjoy it!!
As always please keep on voting and commenting so I update faster!


Chapter Six

It was a very somber night and Juliette liked to think that it was because the stars wept for her. The moon, however, was gloomier than ever and she rested her chin against her arm as she looked at it dreamily. "Oh, Sir Moon, what will become of me now?"

She sobbed harder.

She still haven't declared to her aunt the unanticipated news, but she realized the maids would probably let her know by the morrow. She cried till her eyes could no longer shed tears and till she thought she started hallucinating voices.



She scrubbed her eyes with the back of her palm as a muffled noise rang in her ears. Or was she imagining things now? She must probably be getting sleepy, she thought, as she hadn't had a blink of sleep ever since her accident in the royal dining hall.

The late King's advisor had been a traitor. He had poisoned the tray she held and tried to accuse her of treachery when it collapsed on the ground. To his dismay however, the new king is going to execute him, and drag her along with him for seeming to have worked for him.

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she remembered her scandalous horrid act. She must have been more careful, more deliberate. How come she had gotten caught off guard while she was passing the very King she feared the most? King Maximus was responsible for the deaths of many innocent people and to think he even considered to let her live after the advisor made her seem like a spy was just enough of a warning to flee from the castle right away. Not that she wasn't, as soon as her aunt wakes up in the morning, she was planning on telling her what happened and announce her new decision of leaving the castle. She had no idea where she was going to live after, but all she knew was that she needed to be as far away from the king as possible.

Her thoughts went back to his very tall silhouette. She couldn't muster the courage to get a glimpse at his face since his aura was far too intimidating. Seeing only his physique, however, proved well that his title and height weren't the only things that made him seem as daunting. He was very built, for his shoulders were very broad and she assumed he'd have participated in a lot of wars since he didn't need much effort to hold her altogether in one strong arm.

Never in a million years would she have imagined herself meeting the infamous new King, and despite the advisor's poisoning not being her fault, she still felt guilt and shame. Perhaps, she could go and apologize, but no, she doubted King Maximus would even believe her or even the guards allowing her to meet him. She was a nobody after-all, and while the King was kind enough to let her go, she should take it as her cue and leave. She cried softly as she felt everything in her world collapse and then



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