Chapter Seven ♡

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Chapter Seven

"Have you not heard?" A girl of Mediterranean beauty informed the audience around her. "King Maximus has been attacked."

Many gasps were heard among the young maids surrounding her, while some nodded in agreement. "Some say he's dead, that's why we haven't heard from him in a while." Another much older maid added, whilst putting a large pile of clothes inside her basket to send them for cleaning.

The labor chamber exploded with protests and arguments as maids gossiped the rumors that have circulated inside the castle–if not the whole kingdom–for the past couple of days.

"I say it's only a matter of time before Remond declares his death and claims the throne." A week ago, for an unknown reason, the King had ordered the execution of his father's advisor Remond. The royal wing was attacked by apparently some of the castle's servants–traitors working for Remond (as he had ran away)– in attempt to murder the new king. Now the kingdom's state is more chaotic than ever as everyone's questioning the true motive of King Maximus or even if he truly was the murderer of his own father.

Speculations on what would become of the Kingdom were once again given here and there, and bets on who would take the King's place were immediately placed after receiving the worse news the kingdom has ever encountered.

Everyone was now almost sure that something wrong has occurred with the King and the apologetic looks etched over the maids' faces said it all. If the kingdom has lost its last heir it would be an invitation for a much bigger and complicated catastrophe: war.

One face, however, among all of audience, if one was careful enough to look, had not been paying attention to the usual gossip that she has grown now accustomed to, and none the least worried, but rather stared almost dreamily at the little piece of parchment that she has been holding in her pocket ever since she had received it. It read as following:

Mademoiselle Juliette,
I thank you for taking care of my personal guard the night before. I have been informed of your humble act of kindness and I can finally say that my decision concerning your exaltation from the palace has been abolished.
If faced with any problems, please feel free to contact my personal guard, Xander, for he is more than willing to offer help as your most appreciated gesture can never be requited.

K. M. of Volkeï

Juliette has now memorized the letter she held in her hand at heart and yet, she couldn't help but smile everytime she re-read it. When she first found the letter on her bed two days after she had helped the King's guard, she was a bit alerted and scared as it had the royal seal. Now that she knew its contents though, she was nervous, ecstatic for a reason she had to know yet and most importantly relieved.

First, she couldn't fathom that the infamous new King of Vokeï, The Maximus of Volkeï, has been persuaded by his guard to reconsider his decision in banishing her. The very daunting man everyone feared has actually written a letter to her! How dear and close her secret guard must be to the King, she thought.

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