Perfect Diamond. | Carl x Reader.

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It was another day in the mines of Brawl Town, the caves glowing all different varities of purples because of the beautiful gems that glowed. The gems were being mined by Carl, with him placing the gems in his cart and continuing down the trail. Next to the mine, was another mine but that one was used for brawling, known as Gem Grab.

A game was going on, which was loud and a lot of ruckus going on, but that didn't really bother Carl since he was practically used to it. The only brawlers he could really stand were Jessie and the oh, so lovely [ Y / N ]. They were just perfect.. in fact, maybe too perfect. He stopped for a moment to look over at the game going on, only to spot [ Y / N ] in the game, immediately noticing how hard they were trying to win the game and how amazing they were.. he could go on and on about how much he loved them and [ Y / N ] doesn't even know about these feelings he had, only Jessie knew.

Flashback to Barley's Bar 2 days ago.

"C'mon, Carl.. you got to tell [ Y / N ] how you feel one of these days! I'm sure they feel the same.." Jessie explained to her robotic mining friend who sat next to her.
"I'm just.. too afraid. What if they don't feel the same way? What if they think I'm just a big nerd?!" Carl sighed, looking at one of the beautiful gems he had saved. It wasn't like the purple gems he usually saw everyday, this one looked more of a diamond, and he was saving it specifically for [ Y / N ] if he ever did confess how he felt..
"Maybe, Jess.. maybe one of these days."

Cut back to now in the mine.

Carl just sighed, looking at the beautiful diamond alike gem in his metallic hands. He had to tell them but he was just afraid. He had looked back at the game, [ Y / N ]'s team winning the match as they all cheered besides the losing team. A bright smile was on the small robots face as he saw how happy  [ Y / N ] was.

"I have to tell them."

As that, he strolled out of the mine and over to where [ Y / N ] was going, but few others got in his way, causing him to grow a bit frustrated, but he got to them shortly.

"Hey, [ Y / N ]! Great job back there! You did amazing.."

"Carl! Thanks.. I appreciate it! Hey, I was just about to head to Barley's Bar right now, figured you wanna come with me?"

The small robot felt like as if there were butterflies in his stomach. They were asking him if he wanted to go with them to Barley's? His system is gonna overheat-

"I'd love to! I mean.. yea, I wouldn't mind. I'm really done at the mine for the day, let's go."

The two had a small chat as they made their way to the bar, if Carl had an actual human heart, it'd be racing so fast just from talking to [ Y / N ].
Shortly, the two arrived, going to take their seats.

"So, I haven't really gotten to talk to you much lately. How's everything going in the mines? Win any recent battles, haven't gone up against ya' in a while." They chuckle, Carl could feel his face just heating up a bit.
"Oh! Well, everything is going good down at the mines, same old, same old, really. And I've won every single match I've been in lately!" That was a lie, he was just doing that to try and be impressive.
"Really? Wow, that's great! I'm proud of you!"

The two continued on talking for another 30 minutes, having conversations about the other brawlers around and their wins or loses. A sudden time has come though to where it was getting late and everyone was exiting the bar to head to their homes.

"Well, we better get going, Carl. It's getting late and everyone is heading home." [ Y / N ] swirled the straw around in their drink, looking over at the geologist.

"Y-Yeah! Let's go.."

The two suddenly had gotten up from the booth they were sitting at and left, giving Barley a small wave goodbye before exiting.

It was cold, the wind whistling and the moon was shining bright in the sky over the town. [ Y / N ] hummed lightly, Carl getting more nervous as they inched closer to their home. A side of him wanted to confess, the other didn't.. but he had to get it off his chest.

Once they had arrived at [ Y / N ]'s residence, they looked down and smiled at Carl. "Well, here we are. I guess I'll-"
"[ Y / N ], listen, I really got to tell you something. I've been feeling like this for awhile.. but I.. I really like you, okay? I was just afraid of saying anything because I thought you wouldn't wanna be around me anymore after I told you. Well, now that I did you probably feel awkward around me.. I just-.." He was cut off by the sudden lips pressed to his metal, it wasn't really anything, but it was still a kiss.

"Carl.. calm down. I've liked you for awhile now, too. I just didn't think you would like me, I thought you'd like another geologist or something like that."

He just stared at them in complete, utter shock. He wasn't expecting that response, he was expecting rejection. Not saying a word, he pulled out the diamond like gem and held it out for the one he's been saving it for. "Here.. I've been wanting to give this to you and I waited until I actually told you how I felt. I had found it in the mines and kept it for you because it's stunning.. like you."

[ Y / N ]'s face tinted a bright red, taking the gem from his metal hands and giving him a hug, Carl hesitantly hugging them back.

"I love you, my lil' geologist."

"I love you too, my perfect diamond."

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