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"This can't be happening." I say, more to myself than anyone else. Lena is eyeing me worriedly as I pace back and forth in my living room.

"We don't even know if you're actually pregnant Jes. It was just a thought."

"I know but it makes sense, Lenny. How did I not even notice my period was late?" I groan as I run my hands over my face, rubbing at my eyes.

"You've been stressed and crazy busy. There could be a different explanation. Don't overthink this. Let's just go down to the convenience store get a test and see what happens."

I bring my eyes, from the floor where they'd been trained, up to meet hers. "If I'm pregnant Len, it would explain everything. The faintness, the nausea, the feeling off...all of it, would make sense."

She doesn't speak, choosing instead to simply place her hand on my shoulder in a caring gesture. I let out a breath before shoving myself up and off the couch. "Let's just get this over with." I grab my bag from the hook by the door and exit my house, Lena trailing behind me.

We don't speak as we walk towards the shop, instead settling into a quiet that would be comfortable if I wasn't so worked up. We reach the store and head inside. I grab a basket and set about throwing random snack food items into it.

"I thought we just came for the test" Lena exclaims.

"I can't just buy the test, the checkout lady will judge me" I shoot back "besides...if I am pregnant I'm going to need load of junk food to drown my sorrows."

Lena rolls her eyes and tugs at my hand. "It's not the end of the world okay" she says to me directly. "There's still a chance you're not and if you are you have options, okay?"

I nod and venture to the aisle where the tests are located. I'm struck by how many choices there are, I'm completely lost and I turn to Lena with a 'help me' face.

She sighs but sets to work reading the different types of test and finally handing me three different ones.

"Between the three of these we ought to have our answer."

I shove the test into the basket and head to checkout. I throw the contents onto the conveyor as nonchalantly as possible, like this isn't terrifying, like my life isn't falling apart.

I don't know what I'm expecting from the checkout lady, judgement or disbelief, something to say that I'm a failure of a human being since I am here buying a pregnancy test, but I get no reaction. I'm slightly relieved but annoyed that while my world is crashing everyone else is free to go about their day, business as usual.

"Lena how long has it been?"

"39 seconds"

I take in her answer and resume counting the ceiling tiles in my bathroom. I'm laid across the floor while Lena is propped against the drawers of my vanity.

"What about now?"

"48 seconds. Patience Jes."

"I'm freaking out."

"I know."

"I'm scared."

"I know that too." She reaches over to take my hand and for the millionth time in the past few days I'm thankful for my incredible best friend. We sit here in this daze of fear and uncertainty until the alarm on her phone goes off signaling that the tests are ready.

"Do you want to look?"

"Can we just sit here for a moment?" She doesn't respond and I know she understands. As much as I want to just know definitively, as soon as I look at the tests I know it will be real. I know in my gut what the tests will say, I've known ever since Lena brought the idea to my attention. Sitting here on my bathroom floor without looking at the tests though it's possible to succumb to my denial, to pretend it's not happening, to pretend everything is fine.

After a few minutes I finally amass the courage to rise from the floor and look at the tests. All three telling me what I already know. I sweep my eyes across the bathroom to look at Lena. She's already looking at me and by the look on my face she knows.


"Yeah" I reply, "shit."

AN: I know this is so short but I hope you're enjoying this! Leave your ideas, votes, and comments! I'd love to hear from you!


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