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20 weeks

Christmas was just days away and I had never been so stressed about it. The holiday meant I'd be seeing my dad and I could no longer delay the baby news. The reactions from Calum's family and friends made me slightly more confident but I still was nervous for his reaction. I decided to call him and clear up details of my visit.

I slide the phone from my back pocket and find his contact. I press call and wait for the ringing to be interrupted.


"Hi, dad!"

"Hey sweetheart, it's so good to hear from you!"

"I just wanted to call and see what you wanted to do for Christmas!"

"Um, I actually meant to call you about that. Is there anyway we could do Christmas for us tomorrow? I know it's the 21st and early but....I'm not sure exactly how to say this...I'm seeing someone, and she's invited me to her family's Christmas. I won't go if you don't want me to, but I have been invited."

"Aw, dad. That's great! I've been telling you for years you needed to date someone, I've hated you being so lonely."

"Yeah, kiddo. She's pretty great too. So why don't you come up to Napa tomorrow. We can eat, do presents and I can introduce you to Christina."

"Sounds great, dad. Actually, can I invite someone? I'm not sure he'll be able to come but I'd love for you to meet him if he can make it."

"Sure sweetheart! I'll see you tomorrow around noon."

Well, that went as well as could be expected. I call Cal next tapping my foot as I wait for him to pick up.

"Hello?" He sounds groggy, his morning voice being extra deep and incredibly sexy.

"Hey, sorry. Did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but it's fine. What's up? Everything okay with the baby?"

"Yeah, little one's good. I just got off the phone with my dad..."

"Okay. How'd that go?"

"He wants to do Christmas tomorrow. He's got a new girlfriend he wants me to meet and plans to see her family on the 25th so he asked if we could celebrate early. Would you want to come with me?"

"What time? I told Ash I'd go get coffee with him tomorrow morning."

"Around noon, but he lives near Napa so it's like a 5 hour drive from here" I say quietly knowing if he already has plans he won't be able to join me.

"I can just meet Ash another day. Let me text him and reschedule before I forget though. We still on for later?" It means a lot to me that he sees being with me when I tell my dad a priority.

"Yeah, come on over whenever!"

"I'll see you soon babe, bye!"

Even though he's taken to using pet names regularly, I still never tire of the way they slip from his lips. Neither of us have addressed our feelings but the connection between us is undeniable. I don't want him to feel pressured so I just hold my tongue waiting for him to make a move.

Unexpected | Calum HoodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora