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I don't know how to describe the kind of love you feel for someone who is part you and part the man you love.

Simply put, Paisley is perfect. All 8 pounds, 6 ounces, and 23 inches of her. She was worth every day of morning sickness, every sleepless night, back pain, mood swing, and hour of labor.

"You did so good, Jes." Calum says looking into my eyes from his place next to me in the bed. He kisses my forehead and stares down at the little girl in my arms. We've been mesmerized by her for two hours now and I know soon we'll need to call our families and share our news. It's late, but I know they'll still want to know.

He gets quiet and I give him a questioning look. He's holding something back, like he's afraid of my answer.

"What is it?" He coughs and looks past me out the hospital room window.

"What, um....what last name are you giving her?" He reaches up to scratch at the base of his neck, his tell for when he's nervous.

I lean back, confusion evident on my face. "What?"

"We talked about her first and middle names...never her last."

"Calum, of course she's a Hood. Surely you had to know I'd give her your last name."

His soft smile grows, "I wasn't sure."

I lean over to press my lips to his. I want to tell him, "I hope it'll be my last name someday too." But I stop myself. It's so easy for me to get swept up in the moment around him. To forget I haven't even known him a year. To forget I've been calling him mine for even less time.

"Call your family."

"Yeah? You feeling up to them?" I nod.

"Yeah, it's late but I know they've been waiting. We can FaceTime my dad while we wait for them and tell him to come in the morning."

He does as I ask, standing and moving to the window to make the call. While he speaks to his parents I stare down at the sleeping baby in my arms. She's got Calum's nose and dark hair, I struggle to see any of myself in her but surprisingly I'm completely okay with that.

She so tiny. So fragile. I have an overwhelming desire to protect her and never let her down. Calum returns to his place beside me throwing his arm around me and laying his head on my shoulder.

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask him. I know I've been hogging her.

His face darkens and he looks at me as if to say he's scared.

"Just like in class sweetheart. You're not going to break her."

He nods slightly, a small acknowledgment that he's ready. I support her head and transfer her from my arms to his. She stirs, but doesn't wake and quickly settles comfortably against his chest. He smiles down at her pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head.

"I didn't expect it to feel like this."

I'm confused but just give him a look that says 'go on.'

"I knew I'd love her, but I didn't expect it be this all-consuming, I'd do anything, including lay down my life, kind of love. I mean I just met her." I go to respond but he continues. "And I didn't think I could love you anymore than I already did."

I feel my eyes become glassy as a tear slips down my face. Cal reaches out to wipe it away with his finger and I lean into his shoulder telling him I love him without speaking a word.

"You wanna call your Dad?" He asks and I nod reaching over to the lap tray for my phone.

I find my dads contact and select the FaceTime option. He answers on the first ring, both he and Christina coming into view.

"Hi, sweetheart!"

"Hey, Dad! Hi, Christina!" I smile into the phone before letting out a yawn. "She's here!"

"Everything with you and her good?" He asks being the concerned dad he is.

"Both happy and healthy. She can't wait to meet her papa! Do you want to see her?"

He nods and I move the phone screen over so he can see Paisley still asleep on Calum's chest.

"Aw Jes! She's gorgeous!" Christina compliments and I simply smile and look at Calum. When I turn back my dad is smiling proudly from behind the screen.

"We'll head down in the morning kiddo. We love you guys. Rest up, I know you're both exhausted." I nod and we say our goodbyes just in time for a knock on the door.

Calum hands Paisley over to me and barely has the door open before Mali flies through, it crashing into her brother.

"My little brother's a daddy!" I let out a laugh and Cal just rolls his eyes. Mali is followed closely behind by Calum's parents anxious to meet their first grandchild.

There is laughter, there are tears of joy, and there are hugs. Everyone falling head over heels in love with P as soon as they meet her.

Mali cuddles P telling her how she can't wait to watch her grow up, and spoil her, and fill her with sugar, before sending her home to mommy and daddy.

I try to soak in everything I can but it still doesn't seem real. For the rest of my life I'll remember May 14th, 2019. For the rest of my life I'll be someone's mom. I move my gaze to Cal and he also seems to be somewhere deep inside his head. He must feel my eyes on him because he turns to face me moving his hand to rest on the top of my thigh.

Paisley begins to cry and Calum moves to collect her from his sister. Her whines immediately ceasing when she hears his voice. He blinks back tears with the realization that she knows his voice, he'd been determined for her to when I was pregnant, always talking to her through my belly. She cuddles against him and it's the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. The man I am completely in love with, holding the perfect little girl we made together.

All too soon the nurse comes and tells us that our visitors will have to say goodnight. I hate for them to leave but we do need some rest. She asks if we'd like P to stay with us or go to the nursery. Cal and I both immediately answering with, "she's staying," both unwilling to let her out of our sight.


Liked by Jgood, ashtonirwin, and 263,213 others calumhood PKH 🖤 welcome to the world little one

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Liked by Jgood, ashtonirwin, and 263,213 others
calumhood PKH 🖤 welcome to the world little one

An: 😭 they're so fucking cute

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