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Chapter in Stark's P.O.V.

Image to the side is Kaleesi.

1514 ~ Sicily

"Do you trust her?"

I kept silent, watching the ballroom being swept by the gowns and polished suits. 

Alric sighed heavily, dropping his head back as the two hussies beside his chair massaged his tense shoulders. "You will have to speak to her eventually."

I growled in disproval when I saw her; Kaleesi, Queen of Sicily. The vampire. The witch. The siren. A disgusting melting pot of the very things I've come to despise after all these years of knowing about this hidden world all in one.

After a moment, I decided to answer him. "No."

Sighing once more, he slammed his hand on my shoulder, squeezing tightly. I hardly flinched. "Loosen up, brother. Your expression itself is enought to scare the women here away."

I gestured to the twin prositutes hanging off his shoulders with toxicated giggles erupting past their ruby lips, stained from the excess amount of wine that was provided at this godforsaken gala. Alric scoffed, shrugging them off. "They don't count. I used my affinity."

"Because that's the only way you'd get a girl." The soft lilting and scolding voice of the only Lycan I knew to be as old as I was made my head turn.

My stone heart lifted at the sight of Lorena. Her freckled cheeks were prominent and pale, yet never ceased to look lively paired with her fiery waterfall hair that cascaded down her back in thick wavy curls. 

Alric grumbled under his breath over Lorena's words, sulking slightly in his seat.

"The guest of honor just arrived, you shouldn't have a pout on your face and a strict jaw." Her warm hands cupped my cheeks, tugging my head up roughly.

I scowled and pulled away from her, standing up abruptly. "I'm going out."

Alric was too busy entertaining Lorena for as long as her short attention span could last to notice me flee to the terrace. The sickening vanilla and lavendar scent of the vampire was forcing my sense of smell to be thrown off. I focused my attention to the dark waters that engulfed the mountainous rocks just beneath the cliffside where the castle hugged the overhang. I heard her voice again, calling to me with a dark honey voice- but  I knew better than to trust her once more.

Looking back down at the raging sea, I could see them- the mermaids clawing desperately at the sharp rocks, desperate to reach their sister and drag her to the bottom of the ocean because of her betrayal.

Oh, Kaleesi, what have you done? 

I regretted thinking about her name and mistakes because as soon as the thought flickered across my mind, I felt her hands slips around my waist and face press against my tensed shoulder.

I resisted the urge to shiver in disgust when she hummed softly, the beginning of her alluring and treacherous song. Pushing back, I stepped away from her claws.

"What do you want, Queen Kaleesi?" I uttered, keeping my tone down in hopes of not signalling her of my complete hatred for her and her kind. Alric had warned me to be just and polite towards her, or the consequences were to be disastrous.

A smile flickered across those plastic features, revealing a careless smile. "I merely wanted to accompany you. Quite a lovely night, isn't it? The moon is high, the stars are out."

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