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Image is Kendra



"How are you feeling?" Jazz questioned as they all piled in, Stark gliding across the room to my side in a heartbeat. 

I gripped the sheets, "Something is...wrong."

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

I sat up with ease, though that didn't seem to surprise them. Slowly, I lowered the sheets and leaned forward. "I feel like there are ridges on my back. Can-can you check?"

Stark reached over and gripped the hem of his v-neck that was placed on me, pulling it up to the nape of my neck.

They all sucked in a gasp.

"What's wrong?" I panicked, glancing back at Stark.

"You have them." he breathed, eyes steeled. "You have the same tattoos I do."

"What does that mean?" I exclaimed, desperate to see the tattoos that riddled my back.

"You've been cursed." Lorena muttered, cupping her chin in thought. 

"Was anyone in the room recently?" Alric jumped.

I thought back to the haze I had between waking and sleeping. "Um, the boy- the one with the green uniform, he came to inform us that we needed to leave, and then he freaked and left. I thought it was because I looked like I was on my deathbed."

"Alright. I'll go find him. I can use my affinity to find out if he saw anything."

"How will your affinity for the dead help to see if he noticed anything?"

He grinned, "I dabble in compulsion, my dear."

"We need to tell you something, Katya." Lorena grabbed my hand, "And I just want you to know that we have a plan-"

Castor nudged her out of the way, "Ignore her. What she means to say is that the vampires found us because Barcelona is under a werewolf's name and the only chance of us escaping is my sister's affinity for earth." 

I couldn't breathe for a full five seconds before I exploded. "What? How did they find us so quickly? We haven't even been in Spain for a week-"

"Oh that's not the worst of it," he laughed, "You know where our refugee is going to be in? Sicily! Yay!"

Draver groaned as I hyperventilated. "Somebody just blow his head off."

Alric came back into the room like a hurricane, the door slamming behind him loudly.

"Bad news." he breathed.

"Let me guess, you killed the hotel manager." Iris remarked wryly.

Castor scoffed, "Excuse me, that's my forte. Only I am capable of killing people necessary to our survival."

"Back to what Alric was saying." Stark growled.

"Right. Apparently the bell boy saw Kaleesi."

"How do you know?" I winced as I swung my legs over the side of the bed.

"There's only one Siren that looks 'scary and sexy as fuck' and has 'killer heels'."

They all nodded in agreement while I blinked disbelievingly. "That's it? No physical description needed?"

Lycanthropy (Lycan Series: #1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant