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      James Moriarty then stood up, never breaking eye contact with me. He leaned forward until our forheads almost touched. He smirked and whispered :

"- Send my love to your brother. I'll see you very soon, y/n. Very, very soon."

      And he walked away. He just walked away without saying anything more. I had to go to Baker Street right now, and I knew it. Moriarty was after me. For the 5th time that day, I jumped in a cab to meet my brother. I could hardly hold my tears back. I was sad, because Jack was not real, because I had been fooled and because I was probably about to die. I rushed into Sherlock's flat without knocking, to find him walking around.

"- Sherlock, I-", I started.

"- Not now, y/n. John disappeared and I need him right now! Why does he always has to leave when he could be useful?

- You mean he... didn't come back with you? Did he answer his phone?

- No, I guess he'll be back soon", he replied.

      I loved my brother, but oh, how careless he was. He had no idea what normal people did and did not do.

"- Sherlock. John is not like that. You are the one who leaves without telling anyone. He's in danger.

- Don't be ridiculous. Why would he be?

- I met Moriarty a few moments ago. He sends his love and said I would very soon offer myself to him.


- You heard me."

      We got interrupted by Sherlock's text alert. He was propably expecting it to be from John, but judging by the look on his face, I could tell it wasn't. He threw himself in his armchair and handed me the phone. 

Time to choose, Sherlock.To get your pet back, bring me the ransom.

JM x

That's when it hit me. That's how he was going to get me. If Sherlock wanted to see his friend again, he had to give his sister to James Moriarty. The question was, what for? Why did he want me to be his hostage? Was he going to kill me? My dear brother looked up to me and said :

"- I forbid you to go. This man is insane, y/n! God knows what he would do to you!

- Yeah, and God knows what he will do to John if I don't go! Think for a second. He's obviously not interested in John. He used him to get me, for some reason. He will not hurt him if I go!"

      I knew he would react this way. He didn't want John to be harmed, but he didn't want me to be Moriarty's hostage either. Suddenly, he turned to me with his handcuffs. 

"- Don't you dare-", I said.

"- I'm sorry, but I can't take any risk, y/n. I'll be back in a few hours. Hopefully."

      He left the flat. Alone. Tears filled my eyes. Sadness, anger, fear.I didn't want him or John to get killed. It was my fault. I cried for what felt like hours. I tried to scream for help, but Mrs. Hudson was out, so no one came. I fell asleep, exhausted, my head filled with too many terrible thoughts. I was awakened by the flat's door opening.


      That's when he came in. He looked at me for a moment. His face had an expression I had never seen on him before. He was amused. And satisfied, obviously. He sat cross-legged in front of me, and I couldn't help but to find it funny. It didn't match with his criminal attitude. He stared at me. How I had loved this stare. It was the main reason why I decided to give him my number, when I knew him as Jack Miller. His eyes looked honest. Oh, what a mistake I had made. But, they still looked the same. I could feel the honesty in his eyes, which was weird considering the circumstances.

"- What are you doing here?", I barked.

"- You know what. Coming to get my ransom. I only had to get this little brother of yours to leave you alone, at my mercy. Easy-peasy. But now, don't get me wrong. You do not have to come with me. I will not force you. It's your choice. Just know that if you don't, Sherlock's favorite pet will die. You choose."

      Of course he had planned this. And now, just as he had planned, I was going to walk away with him. Give myself to James Moriarty.

"- Fine. I'll come. But... what exactly do you want to do with me? Why not keep John?", I asked.

"- There are many things I want to do with you."

     He brutally threw the books out of the library and took a little box out of it. There was a key in the box. The handcuffs key.

"- Spying on Sherlock is soooo much fun", he sang. "But, I gotta say, not as much as spying on you."

      He was probably the creepiest guy I had ever met. I couldn't stop thinking about what a monster he was. And imagine what would happen to me once I'd be wherever he was taking me. He released me and gave me his hand to help me get up. He warned me :

"- Do not try to scream. Do not take your phone. Try to look like you know me and are willing to come with me. After all, you are, aren't you?"

      Saying these words, he had pulled me closer to him and grabbed my chin. I felt nauseous. This man repelled me. He made me sick.

"- I said, aren't you?", he repeated

"-... Yes, I am, sir.

- Jim. Call me Jim."

      When he finally let go of me, I took a deep breath, relieved for a second. I followed him down the stairs and in the black car parked in front of the flat. During the whole ride, I kept staring at the seat in front of me. I knew he was looking at me. I could feel the burn of his eyes on me. I held my tears as I could. I would not allow myself to show any weakness to this monster. He got out of the car, and opened my door. Once again, he took my hand and led me to huge house. Not even a house, a bloody manor. I was speechless. This place was beautiful. He saw my face and chuckled. Jim Moriarty chuckled.

"- I know right! Believe me, this is better than any hotel."

      I was exhausted. I stumbled on the way to the door. At the moment where I expected to hit the floor, two firm arms caught my chest from behind. I was surprised, to say the least. I got up and blushed.

"- I... hm, thank you.

- So you do know how to speak. Come on, you need to sleep."

      We got into the house. I was afraid. I was terrified. I was going to sleep in this psycho's home, at his mercy. He could do anything he wanted with me. There was no escape. He showed me what was gonna be my room. It was huge. There was a Queen sized bed, a bedside table, and the biggest wardrobe I had ever seen. He stayed in the door frame. 

"- Are you going to kill me?", I asked out of the blue

      He laughed.

His ransom - Moriarty x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now