Vikklan- Here For You Part 1

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Vikk's P.O.V.

I sighed, glaring around the corner of the door and my parents and my two siblings as they laughed and chattered like a normal family, all while leaving one person out. They never seemed to care about me, constantly telling me how I was never going to make anything of myself.

So what I didn't want to go to college? So what my high school grades were low? So what I only focused on my music because it gave me an escape from life? They told me constantly that they didn't approve of my music, that I wouldn't make any money off it and it was best to drop it before it took over my life and I completely forgot about my grades- the only thing that mattered to them.

Both my older brother and sister had amazing grades in high school, were artistic and creative and confident and had no trouble with english or math or science- their grades were straight A's. I was mostly B's and some C's, the only A I ever got was in music class. My older sister was already in college, half way through earning her doctorate and my brother was taking a gap year to earn some money in his above-minimum-wage-paying-job before going, studying phycology.

I, on the other hand, had no plans to go to college. My job was part time in a coffee shop at minimum wage and I hated it, my co-workers hated me and it got in the way of my music. I honestly made more money busking for an hour in the town centre than I did with 10 hours of work, and I liked it more too.

But another thing was- they were both straight and I wasn't. My sister had a long time boyfriend of almost 6 years and I knew they were going to get engaged soon and my brother was still going out with his high school sweetheart, a nice girl but I couldn't stand her. I was gay. I knew they wouldn't accept me.

"Vikk, come here!" My father called as my sister cleared the four plates from the table. They hadn't called me for dinner, so I hadn't had anything to eat.

"What." I said rudely, standing 5 metres away with my arms folded.

"Don't be so rude young man, but sit down." I didn't move, still glaring. "We've organised a tutor for you after school, you're expected to go to his house every day after school expect Tuesday and on Saturday too." The two days I had work. "He's in his third year of college and you're very lucky, he's a nice boy and very smart. It starts this week."

"What!? Hell no!? I'm not going to a tutor! I've got music to do!"

"Vikram! You are failing this year because of music! You are going to this tutor and that is final! We have called the school and we will ask them to take you out of music class and place you in an extra help class if you don't go! If you don't go, consider your piano and guitar confiscated until you leave high school!"

"I'm not failing this year! I'm going to pass!"

I had gone pale the second they mentioned moving me out of music class and taking my instruments, so decided that yes, I would go only because I couldn't bear to not have my piano and guitar. There was my violin as well but they didn't know how much I really used it- it was favourite instrument of all.

"Fuck this." I muttered as I fell face first onto my bed, on the verge of tears. "Why the hell can't they just accept me for who I am!"


I met the tutor on Monday after school after I was texted his address by my mother. His house was a small apartment on the 5th floor in an unassuming block of flats and I climbed the stairs sulking, pouting and very annoyed. I had decided that I would just be cold to him rather than fake being cheery so he got the picture and maybe he would stop tutoring me, even though I knew that would result in punishment.

I knocked on the door and held tight onto the straps of my bag with one hand, my violin case in the other. The door was opened by a young man with a smile on his face and my firs thought was- he's everything my parents wanted me to be. Tall, pale skinned, easy going, in college and probably with good grades. A house of his own.

"Hey I'm Lachlan, you must be Vikk?" I nodded and shook the hand he held out to me. "Come in, might as well start with just introducing ourselves."


I told myself to stay cold towards him, but that really didn't last long. I was him 5 days a week and with his cheery personality and infectious laughter it didn't take long for me to warm up to him. Even though our time together cut into my music time I found myself looking forward to seeing him, especially as it meant I got to escape from my parents.

It was in our third week of meetings that he finally asked about the instrument cases I always carried with me. I always had either my violin or guitar with me, sometimes both, but on that occasion I had my violin with me.

Despite my best efforts to not allow myself to open up, I couldn't help it. Lachlan was so genuine and kind and for the first time I honestly felt that I had a real friend- someone who cared for me. I broke down and finally told him everything, the expectations my parents placed on me, my siblings and oh how perfect they were and my music, how it allowed me to escape.

I played for him that day (video above, Karolina is freaking amazing!) and cried, because he cared. He gave me a hug, looked me in the eyes and told me;

"If something ever happens to you, I don't care what happens or what it is or if I'm busy, you can always come to me. I'll be here for you, I promise."


I stumbled, falling to my knees in the middle of the footpath. It was dark, the only light coming from streetlights miles away, which meant I was surrounded by pitch black. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I cried and cried, in pain and disbelief about what had just happened.

It had been a family reunion, family members I hadn't seen in years gathered around in parents home and for a while, everything was alright. One of my uncles had been eyeing me for the whole night but I ignored him, electing to play with my young cousins. Children didn't give a shit.

But later that night, as many people were leaving, I went to my room to get changed into my pyjamas. And my uncle came up behind me.

No matter what I did, he was stronger than me and with his hand clamped over my mouth I couldn't scream, I couldn't make any noise. He left me alone on my bedroom floor and I struggled to my feet, crying in pain so much that I could barely stand.

I went to Lachlan because I knew he was the only one who would care. My parents wouldn't care, of course they would believe him over me.

So that was how I ended up at Lachlan's door at 3am, sobbing and terrified. He opened the door with sleepy eyes but the second he saw me he scooped my up into his arms, carrying me inside.

He didn't ask any questions, he did nothing other than comfort me. He tucked me into bed beside him and pulled me into his chest, his arms tight around me.

I cried myself to sleep in his arms, his soft words in my ear.

"It'll be alright Vikk, it'll be alright."

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