Speeding cars and gay couples.

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This will be set around the time dean and sam were looking for (King of hell) Crowley's bones.

Dean's POV

We had been searching for ages and frankly I was bored. There wasn't much to do in England. I groaned rolling off of the b&b bed.

"Sammy!" I yelled into the bathroom. "I'm going out!" He grunted in response and I grabbed my gun, walking through the doors and starting up baby. I was able to get Cas to miracle it over, much to Sam's distaste. I pulled into the nearest bar, or pub I suppose. Brits. I sighed and ordered a beer.

"We don't take American currency sir." I sighed and moved to leave before a small British man in a nice suit and almost to perfect blond curls, walked up behind me and handed the bartender money.

"I've got this one." He smiled at me and held a hand out. He seemed to glow with happiness. "I'm Aziraphale." I looked him up and down, beside the fact that he was obviously very gay there was something off about him.

"Dean Winchester." I said taking a swig of the alcohol. He pulled his hand back awkwardly and sat across from me.

"I'll take Anthony's usual, and mine." The man nodded from behind the counter and set to work. I looked over confused. Then as if I couldn't be more annoyed by Gay's presence. A whole new scale of gay approached. He put his hand on Aziraphale's shoulder and grimaced looking me over. I stared back, from his snake skin boots to the leather pants up the the shoe tie scarf, the black blazer and gray under shirt. The sunglasses what a prick. Sunglasses inside. I sighed and shook my head taking another drink.

"Hello angel." Well that explained it. "Sorry I'm late. And you are?" He looked over seeing as 'angel' and I had been talking.

"Dean Winchester." I said watching suspiciously as they shared a look. Aziraphale's drink arrived, it held a deep red colour that wine didn't quite hold. He handed it back to the man I assumed to me Antony.

"Thanks dear." He slid a considerable amount of money in the bartender's hand with a wink. I was taken aback slightly.

"Well I'm Antony. This as you probably know is Aziraphale and well go." He made a shooing motion with his hands before Aziraphale slapped them down.

"Excuse him. Not really a people person." He sent the other man a look but smiled as he sat next to him. "If you don't mind me asking, what brings you to England?" He said and my mind raced.

"Umm sight seeing." I said and practically slapped myself. Cas could have come up with something better. They shared another look.

"Well Soho is nice this time of year. I run a small bookshop there. What do you think Crow-Antony." I looked over suspiciously as the blond man caught himself. Antony didn't skip a beat.

"Well London is never nice but honestly it has all of the ssssights to see." He hissed, no I mean quite literally hissed. Before downing his drink, the other man following in suit before ordering another.

"Well I better be off." He handed me a card. "If you need anything don't be afraid to call." He smiled sweetly and I tucked it into my pocket with a nod. I got into baby and sped off. Taking note of the Black Bentley the strange man in black had driven up in.

"What a strange couple." I mumbled to myself.

Aziraphale's POV

"Crowley?" I looked over at him nervously a bit later as we left the bar. "You don't think that was actually Dean Winchester right?" Crowley sighed for the first time not taking his eyes off the road.

"That's exactly who I think it is angel." He reaches over gently, putting a hand on my arm. "We'll be fine." I nodded noticing the slight quiver to his voice. We were doomed. Not only was heaven and hell hating on us but now we had the Winchesters in town.  I sighed.

"Hey Crowley?" I looked over ready to say something.

"Yes?" He said moving his eyes from the road to look at me. I opened my mouth to say something before a talk man in plaid walked into the road. Fast as I could I miracled the entire car out of the way. The car landed outside of my bookshop and I exhaled loudly.

"Crowley!" He looked over at me in shock.

"Aziraphale? That was quite a miracle, someone's bound to notice." He snapped.

"Well at least we didn't hit him." I said desperately feeling a bit tired, to be fair that was a large miracle and I wasn't built for something like that.

"That was the other Winchester, we hit him they don't come for us." He said and I sighed exasperation clear in my voice.

"We kill one Winchester, the other one is bound to kill us, anyway, I can't let you kill anyone."  I said desperately and he sighed.

"Fair enough but when heaven comes after you, I'm not saving your arse." I laughed. He would. I shook my head and pushed him inside.

"Alright demon, help me set up so I can open the shop tomorrow."

Dean's POV
I remember seeing a black car hurdling at top speed towards Sammy. I yelled reaching out to grab him, before I could do anything the car was gone and Sammy was rushing back to my side of the street.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled and checked him over. Sam was to shock to say anything. "It was that weird couple, it's not like just anyone had a 1923 Bentley." I said with my hands still on his arms. We walked across the road carefully and into a quick and easy restaurant, that had something other the fish and chips.

"Well, I suppose we have research to do." Sam said and his eyes lit up. I rolled mine.

"Nerd." We laughed.

Well sorry the first chapter was so short. I hope you liked it! I'll do my best to update soon. Thank you all! With love,


Word count:1036

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