I love you

621 33 14

Dean's POV

Cas had been out for hours. I began to fear he wouldn't wake up. Sam had left a bit ago to go get food. I hadn't moved, sitting in the chair across from the couch. I rubbed the back of my neck, I don't know what I would do if he died. I tore me apart to see him laying on the couch, half dead. I dropped my head into my hands and the first tears began to fall. Wake up wake up. Please? From the other room, I heard coughing and sobs, and let the sound drown out my thoughts. It was awful but somehow knowing I wasn't the only one suffering made it better, it's not like I was truly in physical pain, but the emotional was enough to kill me. Soon enough it died out and I was left in silence. My head pounded and I looked back up, his trenchcoat was miraculously still in one place and the blue tie was still backward. If I didn't know better I would have thought he was asleep, this time that was not the case. He was fighting a larger battle, one I couldn't do anything to aid. We were to close, I couldn't lose him now. I rubbed a hand over my face and growled. He couldn't die. I don't understand why we weren't waking up the other angel, according to the demon he was the only one able to heal him. What had he said about being unafraid to die? It was selfish I know but there was nothing I could do and it was making me weak. I yelled slightly and hit my leg. I twisted at the sound of a soft cough. Cas was sitting up a small smile on his face.

"Cas!" I gasped and stepped to the couch. "Are you okay? Oh god." I held his face in my hands and he blushed. Then as if a flip switched he made a decision. He stood and his lips were on mine, I was shocked for a moment before responding. I smiled into the kiss and deepened it. He sighed happily and I rolled him down back to the couch.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." He smiled sheepishly. I sat next to him and he buried his head in my chest.

"Me too." He huffed and rubbed his chest lightly. "Hey, are you going to be okay." I held his shoulders away from me. He nodded and closed his eyes.

"Just give me a little bit." I smiled and laid him down. He grabbed my hand. "Don't leave."

"I won't, Cas I promise. I always stay when you ask." He smiled widely and I kissed his forehead.


Crowley's POV

Zira began to wake up a bit later, looking a tad better until of course, he doubled over and began coughing, I reached out to him but he shook his head.

"I'm *cough* fine." He nodded and turned away again. His entire body tensed as blood stained his once white sleeve again. "Come on I want to check on Castiel." He tried to brush off the issue on hand. I tried to pull him back down as he stood but he pulled his arm out of my hand.

"You need to rest," I said desperately as he struggled to pull his jumper off over his head. He tugged a black jumper out of the armoire, before forcing it over his wings falling to his knees in pain as he pushed them back in. I leaned down and picked him up. He fought against me and I set him down on the bed. "Please just sit, I don't need you killing yourself." I helped him tug down the jumper.

"No I can't just sit here, not while Cas is sitting out there, dying because I wasn't fast enough. I'm going to go out there and help him even if it kills me." His jaw tightened and he stared at me as if he was challenging me to argue with him. I sighed a rubbed my face.

"Just... Just take it easy please." I begged and he coughed slightly but nodded. He stood and walked into the main room. He smiled and I looked confused until I came around the corner to see Cas and Dean holding hands cuddling on the couch. He turned to me and smiled wider.

"I knew it," I whispered playfully. He hit my shoulder lightly before kneeling in front of the sofa. Lightly shaking Cas's shoulder he brushed over the other angel's hair. Castiel's eyes blinked open and he winced.

"Hey, thank you so much, I didn't get the chance to thank you. You saved my life." Aziraphale said softly sure not to wake Dean.

"Of course you're basically my dad, plus it just hurts a little I'm fine." He shrugged the best he could with Dean's arms around his waist still holding Cas's hand. Cas slid out of his arms slightly and stood, Dean barely stirred, groaning slightly and shifting. Cas smiled still standing supported by the sofa. Zira took his arm and sat him in the chair across from the couch.

"Alright listen to me, I'm not going to let you say no so don't try. I'm going to try to heal you, it should work but ummm, nevermind." Cas grabbed Zira's hand.

"What happened Aziraphale?" Zira shook his head and before Cas could do anything Zira had a hand on Cas's chest, a deep red glow admitting from it. Cas sat shocked, and Zira exhaled sharply his hand shook a bit and the glow brightened. He bit into his bottom lip and it faded. He stumbled back slightly but kneeled in front of Cas.

"Anything?" He looked up at Cas who stood pulling Zira with him slightly. Before smiling and nodding. He wrapped Zira in a hug.

"Thank you, father." Zira smiled wider and hugged him back. They pulled away and Zira coughed slightly. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine," Cas tilted his head. "No, really I'm fine. I can already feel me corporation healing itself."

"Plus he's too stubborn to die," I spoke up for the first time. They both laughed and Dean stood up rubbing his eyes.

"Wait what did I miss?" Zira laughed harder.

"Cas is fine, and you guys are adorable." He responded. Dean and Cas blushed. The door opened and we all turned. Sam walked in holding a few bags and we all sighed loudly.

"Hey, Dean. Wait how long has everyone been, wait no what?" Sam set the bags down looking at all of us in turn. Zira coughed loudly and winced slightly, I moved next to him and rubbed his back.

"Sam let's make, well lunch." He said looking down at his watch. "I'll explain then." Zira and I stood and stared at each other. Cas sat on the couch and I switched over feeling my body stretch Zira smiled and lowered to my level holding his arm out. I slid up it tucking close to his warm body. He leaned back and tucked his legs into his side so his feet were against the arm of the chair. Cas crossed his legs and they began to talk happily.

Word count: 1220

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