chapter five

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crowley ordered the pizza, now they were both cuddling again. aziraphale was laying in front of crowley now, crowleys arms wrapped around him. they had fallen asleep waiting for the pizza.

the sound of the doorbell woke aziraphale up. he crawled out of crowleys arms and answered the door, paying the man and taking the pizza.

"thank you." the guy left and aziraphale set the pizza on the table and walked over to crowley, playing with his hair. crowley kept sleeping, so aziraphale leaned down and kissed his cheek.

"wake up, my dear." crowley groaned softly, pulling the blanket over himself.

"noooo.... dont leave...." crowley cuddled the blanket as if it was aziraphale.

"come on crowley, wake up. the pizzas here." crowley finally opened his eyes and looked up at aziraphale. he placed his hand on his cheek.

"youre cute when youre mad." crowley giggled. aziraphale huffed.

"yeah thats nice. get up and get pizza before i leave." crowley flew off of the couch, into the kitchen.

aziraphale walked over to him. "i was joking."

crowley scowled. "angel, remind me why i love you."

aziraphale smiled his best smile. then, he realized.

"wait! you said you loved me!"

"no i didnt."

"yes you did! you said 'remind me why i love you!'" crowley stared at him.

"come on, dear. just admit it!" crowley sighed.

"fine. dont expect me to say it though." crowley kissed his cheek and grabbed a slice of pizza. aziraphale nodded and grabbed a slice.

they both got back in their spots, cuddling and eating. crowley couldn't help but mess with aziraphales hair. it was so fluffy, he loved it.

they finished their pizza and sat in silence until the movie finished. aziraphale smiled up at crowley.

"that was a good movie." crowley nodded. aziraphale stood up.

"i have some things to do, ill be back in.. hour and a half?" crowley pouted.

"what am i gonna do without you?" aziraphale shrugged.

"im sorry dear, just occupy yourself, okay?" crowley nodded and stood up.

"only if you give me a kiss." aziraphale rolled his eyes.

"i married you, have spent eternity with you, but no. im not giving you a kiss." crowley groaned.

"why do you have to be snarky? i just want a kiss!" aziraphale finally gave him kiss. crowley held his face until they pulled away.

"is that better?" crowley nodded.

"where are you going?"

"work friend invited me out. dr. stevens. intro to literary criticism?" crowley nodded.

"yeah, i know him."

"then you shouldn't be worried." aziraphale pecked his cheek and ruffled his hair. "so ill see you in a bit, i love you."

crowley nodded. "yeah... i know. bye angel." aziraphale put on his coat and walked out. crowley sighed and walked to the bedroom and changed into an old t shirt (that said "be gay. do crimes") and shorts.

he plopped down on the bed and groaned, then reached into the bedside table and pulled out a cigarette. "thank satan." he lit it and smoked.

after a while, he put it out and crawled under the covers and fell back asleep.

aziraphale was sitting at a table in a small pub, waiting for dr. stevens. they agreed to meet up at 7:30, and it was nearing that time now. aziraphale sighed and rested his head on his hand.

finally, at 7:45, dr. stevens walked in. he walked over to aziraphale with a smile.

"im sorry azzy, my wife didnt like me going out tonight." azzy was what the other professors called aziraphale.

"no worries, my husband didnt want me to leave either." dr. stevens nodded and ordered a drink. aziraphale didn't.

they talked about work, about married life, about anything at all.

"so, your husband, dr. crowley." aziraphale nodded.


"whats he like? his class is highly popular, but ive never talked to him before."

"well, hes very sweet, but he doesnt really like to acknowledge that he is. he seems mean, but thats only because he dislikes a lot of people. he was iffy about me coming here tonight because he doesnt like me travelling alone. he loves to take me out to eat."

dr. stevens nodded and smiled. "i think id like him, he sounds nice." aziraphale nodded in agreement.

"hes very sweet, he can barely take his hands off of me." dr. stevens laughed.

-quite a while later-

aziraphale stood up.

"well, i had fun tonight, but i must get home to cr- anthony. he doesnt like being alone, believe it or not."

dr. stevens stood up and nodded. "i had fun too, ill see you tomorrow, then?" aziraphale smiled.

"yes, have a good night, david." aziraphale walked out and checked his watch. 9:51.

"oh dear... crowleys not going to be happy..." he caught a cab and went home.

crowley was still asleep. aziraphale walked into their bedroom and quickly changed his clothes.

aziraphale being aziraphale, he was clumsy. he made a ruckus loud enough to wake crowley up. crowley once slept for a century.

"wha- angel, that you?" aziraphale laid beside him.

"its me, dear. go back to sleep." crowley scooted closer to him and put his head on his chest. aziraphale held him.

"i... i thought you were hastur... or beelzebub.... coming back to get me...." aziraphale shook his head.

"no ones here to hurt you, go back to sleep." crowley promptly fell asleep. aziraphale soon falling asleep as well.

professors // aziraphale x crowleyWhere stories live. Discover now