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"Bullshit," I declared with absolute certainty. My glare alternated between the two ogern across from me as my chest throbbed. I didn't know what kind of con this was, but I wouldn't play! They took off my collar and brought me out here, away from the camp... "You're trying to set me up. I don't know how, I don't know why, but I do know there's zero chance you actually mean that." Why are they being this stupid? I might have a shot at escaping if I burn them then run. A wave of nausea swept through me at the thought, and I fought to push it away. Skor shook his head emphatically, keeping his hand up with the palm facing me.

"Please, just let me explain. I know you don't trust us. Why would you? But my people aren't what the Sylvan try to make us. At least not all of us." Dammit! Steel! I couldn't make a run for it and leave him stuck here to face the Sylvan's wrath! They were sure to use him as leverage to coerce me to return!

"Yeah, I don't trust you. So what makes you think I'll believe a word you say?" I demanded, trying to keep the conversation going while I thought furiously. "If this isn't some scheme to pay me back for your arm, then it's something the Sylvan are having you do, and none of their trickery can end well for me." What if I run back to the camp? If I'm right, things won't be any worse there. If they actually are rebels... exposing them might be worth some consideration...

"The Sylvan already have you at their mercy. Do you really think they need to try and trick you?" That's... not a bad point. "As for my arm," he grimaced at the stump, "That was a fight, and one neither of us chose. You said it wasn't personal to you. I agree. We can leave it at that if you'll just relax and give me a chance to explain how we can help each other." I grappled with indecision for another second, then I sighed and forced myself to sink back onto my heels and stand up straight. But I kept my fists clenched as I crossed my arms over my chest, and I made no effort to relax my tensed fire lung. I didn't seem to be in immediate danger, so I'd let him talk. I'd even listen. But I'd also be ready to jump if and when the trap I still sensed sprang shut.

"Alright. Talk. You can start with who you meant by 'your real enemy.'"

"You mean that's not obvious?" Skor asked. "My true enemy is your new one: the Sylvan."

"Yeah, that is obvious," I admitted, reflecting on all the abuse and disrespect I'd witnessed in just the past two days. "What I should have asked was: since when have you actually decided to do something about them."

"Recently," Skor growled, "Eeytahs bin-" A pulse of pain throbbed within my skull at his words, and the ogern broke off when I flinched and pressed a hand to my head. "I'm sorry. I slipped into your tongue. It's strange to listen to your language but respond with mine. Anyway, I was saying it's been a long, long time since there was anything any of us could do to fight the Sylvan. For many lifetimes, they've kept our people alongside theirs within their Havens. They claim to have saved our kind from yours ages ago, and they demand we repay our debt through loyalty and work. Not all of my people are happy with this order of things. Some of us doubt their story, and others believe the debt of our ancestors has already been paid. But trapped inside the Havens, resisting was pointless. Never worth the cost. The Collapse seems to have changed that, and your arrival definitely does."

"'The Collapse' again? What- Wait, my arrival?!" I glared at him. "Why should I matter? I don't have anything to do with your problems."

"You matter because the Sylvan think you do," he answered grimly. "I heard what Os'tarell said about you, and all they hope to gain by studying you. The Sylvan are more vulnerable now than they've been in centuries. Those of us who want freedom from them might finally have a chance to make a difference. We can't let them gain a new source of magical power now. So one way or another, we need you gone." My fire lung clenched as those words sent a line of ice racing up my spine. Skor's eyes narrowed for a moment as he noticed my sudden alarm, then he sighed and rolled his eyes. "Damn. Said too much, didn't I?" Before I could react, he raised his hand over his head and waved once, then two more ogern armed with long-bladed spears manifested from the shrubbery behind him. I spun around to flee, but another three with the same bladed weapons were pushing through the foliage in that direction. They weren't quite pointing them at me, but they were definitely ready to. "Wait! Please listen! This doesn't have to get messy. Nobody here needs to get hurt."

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