Chapter 37

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“Peter!” Ned called, waving from where he and MJ were already seated in the cafeteria. “Dude, can I bring Quinn over today?”

Peter’s face lifted into a grin as he slid onto the bench. “Yeah, sure! Everyone’s gonna be so excited!”

MJ’s lips twitched. “Have fun with that.”

Ned’s brow wrinkled. “What do you mean? You’re coming, right?”

For a second, MJ actually looked surprised, a rarity for her. She quickly slid back to unaffected and rolled her eyes. “I guess.”

“Good.” Ned looked satisfied. “Ooh, do you think Ms. Hill would teach me more kicky-punchy stuff?”

MJ snorted. “Not if she hears you calling it that.”

Ned pushed out his lower lip in an exaggerated frown.

“She will,” Peter assured him. “She loves you.”

Really? I thought she just tolerated me!”

“She definitely likes you. She has the same expression talking to you as she does when she watches Wall-E, and Wall-E is like, her favorite movie. She thinks it’s precious.” Peter clapped his hand over his mouth. “Shoot, I think that was supposed to be a secret.”

“Her secret is safe with us,” Ned said very seriously. “I promise.”


After school, Peter and MJ hurried out after Ned to the parking lot, where Ned’s mom was waiting in her car with Quinn in the backseat. Quinn yipped happily at the sight of Ned, launching herself at him and chewing on his arm. He caught her leash before she could tumble out of the car, laughing.

“Are you two coming over?” Ned’s mom asked Peter and MJ with a smile.

“Actually, I was hoping I could bring Quinn over to Peter’s place!” Ned exclaimed. “Everyone wants to meet her!”

“Alright,” said Ned’s mom. “Am I driving the three of you there?”

“Yes, please!” Ned chirped, hopping into the car and scooting down to make room for MJ and Peter.

Quinn flopped across their laps, wiggling excitedly and catching Ned’s shirt between her teeth. Ned removed his shirt from her mouth carefully as MJ began rubbing her belly. She made an excited snort and wiggled harder.

“I think I’m gonna die,” MJ said seriously. “She’s so cute.”

“Isn’t she?” said Ned, glowing. He kissed Quinn’s nose and got a multitude of sloppy licks for his trouble.

The three of them fawned over Quinn for the duration of the ride to the Tower, answering Ned’s mom’s questions about how school was and how their classes were going in a perfunctory manner. She looked fondly exasperated at the their halfhearted answers, but didn’t press them. When she pulled up in front of the Tower, the three of them toppled out onto the sidewalk, Quinn on their heels. She pulled on her leash, trying to pounce on an innocent passerby, then began to chew on the Avengers-print polyester.

“Thanks, Mom!” Ned called, waving at the car. She rolled down the passenger side window.

“Call me when you want to be picked up! You can stay for dinner, but not past eight.”

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