Chapter 44

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On Monday, finals began. Peter wasn’t unprepared, but he was still alarmed by the speed with which they’d born down upon him. By 8:00 AM he was sitting in his history classroom, worrying a pencil between his teeth as scantrons were passed out down the aisles.
He closed his eyes for a moment and thought of the reassuring expression Bucky had given him in the kitchen earlier, the hug from Pepper, the pat on the back from Tony, the squeeze of his shoulder from Steve, and the ferocious rumpling of his purple hair from Clint. A thick exam packet fell onto his desk with a thump, and his eyes shot open. He could do this. He’d be fine. Hill and Natasha had refused to wish him luck because they insisted he wouldn’t need any; his lips twitched at the memory, and he flipped the packet open to begin.


With their first final complete, Peter found MJ and Ned lingering outside the gym; Ned looked woebegone and MJ was patting his arm kindly.

“He forgot to study on The Spanish-American War,” MJ informed Peter. “He thinks that he failed.”

“I’m sure you didn’t fail,” Peter said to Ned. “It can’t be that bad. There were only a few questions about it.”

“A few questions can mean life or death!” Ned despaired. “And I’m sure I got the one on the Tonkin Resolution wrong, and the one about the Reagan administration… I always mix him up with Nixon!”

“Nixon did Watergate,” said MJ. “Reagan was just… conservative.”

Ned groaned, rubbing at his face. “I want to go home.”

“One more final to go, sorry,” MJ told him. “At least it’s just Spanish.”

“Just Spanish! I’ll never remember all the conjugations… especially the irregular ones! And… and… oh my god, I’m gonna die.”

“You won’t,” Peter said comfortingly. “I’ll be there with you.”

“Yeah, but… You have your… your Spider-brain!”

Peter flailed his arms to shush Ned; MJ snorted loudly, and Ned pouted at her.

“Let’s go get lunch,” she said, somewhat pityingly. “Food makes everything better.”


“How were your finals today,” Bucky asked, presenting Peter, MJ, and Ned with a plate of sugar cookies as they slid into chairs at the kitchen table.

“Not bad,” MJ said, taking a cookie and nodding in thanks.

“Speak for yourself,” Ned sighed; he dropped his forehead onto the table and groaned.

Bucky, worried, wheeled himself forward, laying a tentative hand on Ned’s shoulder in comfort. “Would you like a cookie.”

Ned nodded, bumping his head on the table. Bucky handed him a cookie, which he shoved into his mouth morosely.

“How about you,” Bucky asked, looking to Peter. “How did they go.”

“Okay, I think,” Peter replied. “I don’t think I failed either of them, but you never really know…”

“I’m sure you didn’t fail,” MJ said briskly. “You probably got a B at worst.”

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